fantasycalendar / FoundryVTT-ItemPiles

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[BUG] - [Mutant Year Zero 11.0.5] - players cant drag and drop items from their sheets, even when the are themselves identified as an item pile #579

Closed KrultiNinja closed 1 month ago

KrultiNinja commented 1 month ago

Are you on the latest version of Item Piles? Yes

Have you tried to reset Item Piles' system settings? Yes

Describe the bug A a GM, everything's fine. But my players can't drag and drop items form their sheets, even when i declare them as item piles. As a result, they cant exchange items, or create new piles.


Active modules:

Additional context

all necessary permissions granted to players both in the game settings and the item piles settings

Haxxer commented 1 month ago

Try having them drag the item to the other player's token, or use the trade interface in the bottom left of the screen. Item piles was never meant to be used in a way where everyone is a pile, nor to support dragging items between player's sheets.

KrultiNinja commented 1 month ago

Thank you for answering this fast.

Unfortunately, they can't drag and drop anything from their sheet. They can't drag and drop items from the item menu even though i activated all permissions in the settings

I can verify that by connecting as them to the server.

Haxxer commented 1 month ago

Can you record what you are trying to do? Is it perhaps that the game system's sheet simply does not allow for drag and dropping items, then?

KrultiNinja commented 1 month ago

Here i try to drag and drop items on another token (being logged as a player) and on the canvas.

Now that you mention it, as a GM i can only drag and drop from the items menu of foundry of from an item pile...

Haxxer commented 1 month ago

Item piles does not change the core sheets of game systems. I cannot make them draggable, that is the responsibility of the game system.

KrultiNinja commented 1 month ago

Damn. Thank you for your answer though.