fantasycalendar / FoundryVTT-Sequencer

This module implements a basic pipeline that can be used for managing the flow of a set of functions, effects, sounds, and macros.
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[BUG] - About Face & Sequencer #157

Closed FreshnessDND closed 1 year ago

FreshnessDND commented 1 year ago

Effects triggered into animations leading to thrown hook spam. For me, it was spirit guardians animation from spell.

Setup: Foundry v10.291 DnD5e 2.1.5 About Face 3.23 Sequencer 2.414

Active modules: Sequencer About Face Midi QoL AA ...

Haxxer commented 1 year ago

Based on what I can see in the error, the token has lost its actor. This is not something that Sequencer touches.