fantasycalendar / FoundryVTT-Sequencer

This module implements a basic pipeline that can be used for managing the flow of a set of functions, effects, sounds, and macros.
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[BUG] - 3.2.1 update caused issues to a Macro #230

Closed slave2midna closed 3 weeks ago

slave2midna commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug I'm not sure what is causing it, and maybe I need to fix my macro, but after updating to 3.2.1 using Foundry v11, something happened to a sequence I had programed that is now causing a summoned token to ghost on a scene until the scene is changed.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use this Macro:
//Last Updated: 12/11/2023
//Author: EskieMoh#2969

//Insert Compendium Key here
let compendium = `world.bestiary`

const filters = [];

const object = {
    creatures: [
    options: {
        defaultFilters: false,
        noAnimation: true,



const summonData = await foundrySummons.openMenu(object);

let summon = summonData.tokenIds

for(i = 0; i < summonData.amount; i++){

let image = canvas.scene.tokens.get(summon[i]).texture.src
let imageSize = canvas.scene.tokens.get(summon[i]).width * canvas.scene.tokens.get(summon[i]).texture.scaleX

 new Sequence()


.file("animated-spell-effects-cartoon.magic.mind sliver")
.atLocation(summon[i], {offset:{y:-((imageSize-1)/2)}, gridUnits:true})
.filter("ColorMatrix", {saturate:-1, brightness:10})
.filter("Blur", { blurX: 5, blurY: 10 })
.animateProperty("spriteContainer", "position.y", { from: -3, to: -0.3, duration: 500, ease: "easeOutCubic", gridUnits:true})
.scaleOut(0, 100, {ease: "easeOutCubic"})
.attachTo(summon[i], {bindAlpha: false})

.filter("ColorMatrix", {saturate:-1, hue: 160,brightness:2})


  1. Needs Foundry Summon's

Expected behavior In Version 3.1.4, the pre v12 version, when you click the macro, it will let you summon a creature onto the field using foundry summons and play some animations.


Active modules:

Haxxer commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed in 3.2.2