fantasycalendar / obsidian-fantasy-calendar

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Lost calendar settings again #110

Open Syrkres opened 1 year ago

Syrkres commented 1 year ago

So I went to view calendar this session and it reported back "No calendars created! Create a calendar to see it here".

This is the second time I've lost my calendar settings in the last month.

The first time I thought it was because I turned off the Calendar plugin, but this time I have not switched it off.

I have a backup copy (thankfully), and when I copy it over, it appears to load fine for a session (or two?)

Syrkres commented 1 year ago

Here is my data.json

{ "addToDefaultIfMissing": true, "calendars": [ { "name": "Cevroia", "description": null, "static": { "firstWeekDay": 0, "overflow": true, "weekdays": [ { "type": "day", "name": "Monday", "id": "ID_5bca987a580a" }, { "type": "day", "name": "Tuesday", "id": "ID_28182aaae9a8" }, { "type": "day", "name": "Wednesday", "id": "ID_1bfb483bf85a" }, { "type": "day", "name": "Thursday", "id": "ID_0a49f98abb49" }, { "type": "day", "name": "Friday", "id": "ID_788be98ab918" }, { "type": "day", "name": "Saturday", "id": "ID_282beb585b7b" }, { "type": "day", "name": "Sunday", "id": "ID_5bf84a4809a9" } ], "months": [ { "name": "Frostfall", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_78396ab97a28" }, { "name": "Deepsnow", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_c9a97b1988f9" }, { "name": "Snowmelt", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_d9f97b18eb6b" }, { "name": "Firstflow", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_3b5ae8ca2b3b" }, { "name": "Blossomtide", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_28a918a83a2b" }, { "name": "Highsun", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_690adb0ba8b8" }, { "name": "Goldleaf", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_9bea386bfb69" }, { "name": "Harvesthaul", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_493a48c92ad8" }, { "name": "Redfall", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_8b1a1b7a2ab8" }, { "name": "Harrowing", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_692b798a29e8" }, { "name": "Whitewind", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_38ab38197b19" }, { "name": "Lastlight", "type": "month", "length": 28, "id": "ID_4a1be9eb99f8" } ], "moons": [ { "name": "Sasithorn", "cycle": 16, "offset": -8, "faceColor": "#ffffff", "shadowColor": "#000000", "id": "ID_7aea0a58fa3b" }, { "name": "Ainar", "cycle": 25, "offset": 0, "faceColor": "#ffffff", "shadowColor": "#000000", "id": "ID_f85bfb892a59" } ], "leapDays": [], "eras": [ { "name": "AC 1", "description": "", "format": "Year {{year}} - 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Legacy Leather Armor (Jim)", "date": { "day": 23, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_19097bbba8fb", "note": null, "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Gnoll Attacks", "description": "Cullfield sends msg to LoVara capital about Gnoll attacks.", "date": { "day": 19, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_e988698adb48", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Farmstead", "description": "Stayed at Farmstead and searched area. in the morning. \n", "date": { "day": 24, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_9afa799b592b", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Find Farmers", "description": "In travelling no north along road run into farmers. Assist them in travelling north. Attacked at night by gnolls. Party split Elnor/Uhu chasing Gnolls \n", "date": { "day": 24, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_0af8db3b6b49", "note": null, "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Run into Patrol", "description": "Run into Captain Bennett", "date": { "day": 25, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_2a6839199919", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Rest in Bradford", "description": "Question Gnolls", "date": { "day": 25, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_68cb8a1a3a09", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Arrive in Ascot", "description": "pick up some feed and rations", "date": { "day": 28, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_78fbd97a184a", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Encounter Dead corpse", "description": "Encounter Dead corpse, and Green Dragon north of Ascot", "date": { "day": 1, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_ca1979fbf949", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Game Session", "description": "7489-04-17", "date": { "day": 17, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_582a099b8b88", "note": "Worlds/Cevoria/Cevoria Timline/Session Notes/2022-04-25", "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Game Session", "description": "7489-04-17", "date": { "day": 17, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_0828387a991b", "note": "Worlds/Cevoria/Cevoria Timline/Session Notes/2022-05-02", "category": "gm-notes", "end": { "year": 7489, "month": 3, "day": 19 } }, { "name": "Game Session", "description": "7489-04-29", "date": { "day": 20, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_aa4a4b9bb849", "note": "Worlds/Cevoria/Cevoria Timline/Session Notes/2022-05-09", "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Game Session", "description": "7489-04-21 thru 7489-04-24", "date": { "day": 21, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_09f8c9b8185b", "note": "Worlds/Cevoria/Cevoria Timline/Session Notes/2022-05-16", "category": "gm-notes", "end": { "year": 7489, "month": 3, "day": 24 } }, { "name": "2022-05-30", "description": "7849-04024 thru 7489-05-01", "date": { "day": 24, "month": 3, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_daf98abaea49", "note": "Worlds/Cevoria/Cevoria Timline/Session Notes/2022-05-30", "category": "gm-notes", "end": { "year": 7489, "month": 4, "day": 1 } }, { "name": "Left LoVara Capital", "description": null, "date": { "day": 15, "month": 0, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_b93908c81a29", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Left LoVara Capital", "description": "Elnor left for Tarnstead.", "date": { "day": 10, "month": 2, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_faf82999db5b", "note": null, "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Arrive Helmfirth", "description": null, "date": { "day": 2, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_ba2af809aaf8", "note": null, "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Visit Sage Gadli", "description": "Gave info note to Gadali to research, Talked to Ranger to confirm.", "date": { "day": 3, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_2908280a59b8", "note": null, "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Arrive Burried Temple", "description": "Party Arrives early evening at the cave (session 2022-06-27)", "date": { "day": 5, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_bb78692b7a8b", "note": "ZZ Adventures/Side Adventures/Burried Temple", "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Second Attempt", "description": "Session 2022-07-11", "date": { "day": 6, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_bb684a7ad92a", "note": null, "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Arrive back in Helmfirth", "description": null, "date": { "day": 8, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_5ad8d9e9d9e9", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Talk to Major", "description": null, "date": { "day": 9, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_1aba9b1b5918", "note": null, "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "2022-08-15", "description": "Session Swamp", "date": { "day": 10, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_ba6a189a0b2b", "note": "Worlds/Cevoria/Cevoria Timline/Session Notes/2022-08-15", "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Cataclysm", "description": null, "date": { "day": 17, "month": 2, "year": 7500 }, "id": "ID_2b69db3b98da", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Bounty Issued", "description": "Bounty issued for Tarnstead Gang for the death of Sage Gadali", "date": { "day": 11, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_3abb2acb2a2a", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Returned to Helmfirth", "description": null, "date": { "day": 20, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_79e8bb189a7b", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Death of Sage Gadali", "description": "Gadali was killed by an unknown entity", "date": { "day": 10, "month": 4, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_58bafaa849bb", "note": null, "category": "gm-notes" }, { "name": "Sage Stroth arrival", "description": "Sage arrival to investigate death", "date": { "day": 5, "month": 5, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_ab39dbca8b7b", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Sage invterview", "description": "Partty talks with Sage and informs them about Symbol they found.", "date": { "day": 7, "month": 5, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_5a39993a4b7b", "note": null, "category": null }, { "name": "Leaving for Capital", "description": "Party leaves for Capital", "date": { "day": 8, "month": 5, "year": 7489 }, "id": "ID_dbd95b1b5909", "note": "Worlds/Cevoria/Cevoria Timline/Session Notes/2022/2022-12-26", "category": "gm-notes" } ], "id": "ID_c9c90b89b979", "categories": [ { "name": "GM Notes", "id": "gm-notes", "color": "#0D47A1" }, { "name": "Festival", "id": "festival", "color": "#0288D1" }, { "name": "Natural", "id": "natural", "color": "#7CB342" }, { "name": "Seasonal", "id": "seasonal", "color": "#9e9d24" }, { "name": "Political", "id": "political", "color": "#FFEB3B" }, { "name": "Downtime", "id": "downtime", "color": "#FF9100" }, { "name": "Cataclysm", "id": "cataclysm", "color": "#8b0000" }, { "name": "Scro", "id": "scro", "color": "#b22222" }, { "name": "Thaseon", "id": "thaseon", "color": "#cd5c5c" }, { "name": "Brosarish", "id": "brosarish", "color": "#f08080" }, { "name": "Torgad", "id": "torgad", "color": "#ffa07a" }, { "name": "Lich Council", "id": "lich-council", "color": "#b22222" }, { "name": "Sooggainin", "id": "sooggainin", "color": "#b22222" }, { "id": "ID_abb829a989b9", "color": "#4b0082", "name": "StoryArc" }, { "id": "ID_9b890b883baa", "color": "#ffa07a", "name": "LoVara" } ], "timelineTag": "#timeline" } ], "configDirectory": null, "currentCalendar": null, "dailyNotes": false, "dateFormat": "YYYYY-MM-DD", "defaultCalendar": "ID_c9c90b89b979", "eventPreview": true, "exit": { "saving": false, "event": false, "calendar": false }, "eventFrontmatter": false, "parseDates": false, "settingsToggleState": { "calendars": true, "events": true, "advanced": true }, "showIntercalary": false, "version": { "major": null, "minor": null, "patch": null }, "debug": false }

valentine195 commented 1 year ago

I’ve been trying to hunt this bug down for a long time. If you have any idea what you might have been doing when the file data was lost please let me know.

BahneGork commented 10 months ago

I imported two different calendars, and have used them and switched between them. Now they are gone from settings :( I don't know when that happened, sometime in the last month or two. I haven't used the calendars in the time where it dissappeared.

Shep-C commented 9 months ago

I just experienced this issue after setting up my calendar. I'm using Sync as well as a host of plugins. Not sure if those could affect it. I didn't back my calendar up, unfortunately.

dahliyah commented 8 months ago

I've had this happen plenty of times too, just happened again. I also did not back up my calendar.