fantasycalendar / obsidian-fantasy-calendar

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Feature Request: Eras #114

Open briankylemccord opened 1 year ago

briankylemccord commented 1 year ago

Was just wondering if we could get era support in the plug-in? I can’t seem to use negative dates or eras (even when using the website to build a calendar) and I’m not seeing any documentation about it so I’m assuming it just doesn’t work currently.

It would be really great, since I have multiple TTRPG calendars and not all of them are plotted before the important events (my game calendar is based around the creation of the setting’s first player party).

Thanks! Love all your plugins!

valentine195 commented 1 year ago

This is planned but there’s a lot of backend work that is higher priority unfortunately. No eta as of yet

briankylemccord commented 1 year ago

This is planned but there’s a lot of backend work that is higher priority unfortunately. No eta as of yet

Just glad to hear I’m not doing it wrong! Any idea how I could work around that limitation in the mean time?

valentine195 commented 1 year ago

There isn’t a way to do negative years at the moment

onetre commented 1 year ago

Just to jump in so you know other people would like it.

I’d love an era feature. It’s probably the only thing keeping me from leaving world anvil at the moment.

For a use case: my world has 3 eras but only the 1st would be negative numbers. Even being able to use the two positive eras would be huge.

TheMoorePaul commented 10 months ago

Sliding in to restate that this would be a great feature to have. I've got 5 thousand-plus-year-long eras (all moving positive, at least, so there's that) that I'd really rather not have to type out manually.