fantasycalendar / obsidian-fantasy-calendar

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[Bug] Leap days not in weekday progression on Obsidian (correct on Website) #120

Open paduerst opened 1 year ago

paduerst commented 1 year ago

Summary of the Problem

My calendar is not the same between the website and Obsidian. My leap days aren't being included in the normal week/weekday progression on Obsidian, but they are included (correctly) on the website. This causes all of the days of the week to be incorrect.

Reproducing the Problem

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to my calendar on the website.
  2. Observe that Ortus 1367 starts on a Redday.
  3. Import the calendar into Obsidian using this file: chroma-calendar.json.txt
  4. Observe that Ortus 1367 starts on a Viday.
  5. Go to Nexus 1367 on the website and in Obsidian.
  6. Observe that Exday Summer does not belong to a weekday on Obsidian, but it does on the website.

Calendar Data Collecting

What Calendar system were you using? Custom homebrew calendar system.

Was it created within the plugin, or imported from Fantasy Calendar online? Imported from Fantasy Calendar online. Link to calendar.

How are you adding custom events to the plugin? Please explain: I am not adding custom events within the plugin. I have only tried to import the calendar from the website, and it doesn't have the same weekdays.

Anything else you think may be helpful to tell us? Worth noting that there is a Leap Day called "Exday Summer" in addition to an event of the same name.

Obsidian Data Collecting

Are you using any syncing services? Which ones? In a Google Drive folder.

Is your Obsidian vault saved inside a syncing box or removable drive, such as a Dropbox folder or USB Drive? In a Google Drive folder.

Please attach a copy of your Show Debug Info, found under the Obsidian Top Bar -> Help option. obsidian-debug-info.txt

Anything else that we forgot to ask that you think you ought to add? Also, this is a great spot for screenshots and error codes. Screenshot from website of Nexus 1367. Month starts on Redday. Exday Summer part of week. This is correct.


Screenshot from Obsidian of Nexus 1367. Month starts on Exday Summer, which isn't part of a week, day 2 of month is a Viday. This is incorrect.


Thank you for your submission!

MatteoAlberghini commented 1 year ago

Bump, having the same problem.