fantasycalendar / obsidian-fantasy-calendar

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[Bug] #130

Open curtmgray opened 1 year ago

curtmgray commented 1 year ago

Summary of the Problem

In the usage of the Eorzean (FFXIV) calendar, you end up with expressions of dates like the following... "the seventeenth sun of the fifth umbral moon 1577" This can roughly be translated into the following format... DD-MM-YYYY or 17-05-1577

This is easy enough to describe as it is here, but in many cases it's written out fully as mentioned above "the seventeenth sun of the fifth umbral moon 1577"

I'm trying to figure out how to insert this as a field like {date} when creating templates. For example a character has a journal they write in often and it would be great to automate this date function.

I've tried messing around with the Date Format field, and in the Templates interface I've gotten pretty close with this... [The ]Do[ Sun of ]MMMM[ Moon ]YYYY

However, this doesn't seem to respect the configuration of dates in Fantasy instead of what it should look like, we end up with this... The 29th Sun of May Moon 2023

Calendar Data Collecting

What Calendar system were you using? Eorzea (Final Fantasy XIV)

Was it created within the plugin, or imported from Fantasy Calendar online? It started as a Fantasy Calendar import that I've modified heavily using the plugin directly.

How are you adding custom events to the plugin? Please explain: Currently by just clicking on dates and then selecting New Event.

Anything else you think may be helpful to tell us?

Obsidian Data Collecting

Are you using any syncing services? Which ones? No

Is your Obsidian vault saved inside a syncing box or removable drive, such as a Dropbox folder or USB Drive? No

Please attach a copy of your Show Debug Info, found under the Obsidian Top Bar -> Help option. Not applicable but I can include if needed

Anything else that we forgot to ask that you think you ought to add? Also, this is a great spot for screenshots and error codes.

Thank you for your submission!