fantasycalendar / obsidian-fantasy-calendar

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Next/last month arrow is jumping all over time #73

Open kalico1 opened 1 year ago

kalico1 commented 1 year ago

I just installed and configured this plugin. I set up a Gregorian calendar and it's great so far. But I noticed that the < today > doesn't work quite right. In particular, the > for next month says "October" when I hover on it, but when I click, it takes me to Dec 2023. If I click back and forward it just never seems to go quite where I expect it to....then suddenly I'll find it's working and I can get to October by going backward from March or something. I haven't detected a pattern, other than next month = Dec 2023. Would love to see this get fixed! Thanks!

Edit: so much for pattern. I just discovered that "last month" is now Dec 2022 and about a half hour ago, I made a note that next month is Dec 2021. So I don't know what is going on....

LarsStegman commented 1 year ago

I noticed this as well with the calendar of Harptos