fantasygame / dungeon_explorer

Random Dungeons & Dragons campaign
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Team items #6

Open jkubacki opened 9 years ago

jkubacki commented 9 years ago

We have draw_treasure controller that returns treasure (money & items). We need to add this treasure to team before rendering the view. Adding money should be easy. We must add items by many to many relationship. This relationship should be model, because later on we would like to add fields like 'sold', 'owner' or something.

gogi commented 9 years ago

So far I've created new model TeamItems that associates Teams with Items 98d2eae5532d61f948ea547407f6b0b6e86a1f43 and added money field to Team 1cbcb3863020d60091bd5c785327cdc5ff08240f with default value 0.