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[Vssue]CoreData 学习笔记(四) | fanthus's blog #8

Open fanthus opened 1 year ago

fanthus commented 1 year ago

fanthus commented 1 year ago

有的时候新建 container 会遇到 CKError 0x17558460: "Server Rejected Request" (15/2000); server message = "Internal server error"; uuid = B89DE7A4-9D22-42BC-9CD4-4330F3FE04EF; container ID = "" 这样的问题,我刚开始以为是 iCloud 抽风,后来是通过重新配置了一个 iCloudContianer id 解决的。参考这里

fanthus commented 1 year ago

重新创建 container 之后,如果之前你跑过在真机上跑过的话,切换 conainer 可能会报错 Entitlements file "CoreDataTodoList.entitlements" was modified during the build, which is not supported. You can disable this error by setting 'CODE_SIGN_ALLOW_ENTITLEMENTS_MODIFICATION' to 'YES', however this may cause the built product's code signature or provisioning profile to contain incorrect entitlements. ,删了原来的 Provision Profile 重新让 Xcode 自动生成就好了。