fantoine / csrf-route-bundle

Symfony2 bundle which provides a simple way to add CSRF tokens on routes.
MIT License
2 stars 3 forks source link

dependency on a non-existent service "security.csrf.token_manager" #1

Closed pradipchitrakar closed 9 years ago

pradipchitrakar commented 9 years ago

After installing this bundle, I get this error: The service "fantoine_csrf_route.manager" has a dependency on a non-existent service "security.csrf.token_manager"

I am using symfony 2.3

Also in the documentation there is a typo for new Fantoine\CsrfRouteBundle\FantoineCsrfRouteBundleBundle()

there is double BundleBundle

fantoine commented 9 years ago


The "security.csrf.token_manager" has been added in Symfony 2.4 to split the now-deprecated "security.context" service. However I can try to handle retrocompatibility with Symfony 2.3.

And I'll fix the typo too.

fantoine commented 9 years ago

The problems was not with the security.context service but the symfony/security-csrf sub-module which has been added on Symfony 2.4.

It should be compatible with Symfony 2.3 now. Please try again and tell me if it works.

pradipchitrakar commented 9 years ago
