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WZ4 Bug? SplinedParticles op followed by Sparcle causes a crash :( #62

Closed Skinnytorus closed 12 years ago

Skinnytorus commented 12 years ago


As I can see, there is no dynamic particles option in WZ4 (like in WZ1) :( . The only workaround for that I found was using Lissajou followed by Sparcle modifier. As Lissajou was kinda not easy to control, I tried SplinedParticles followed by Sparcle :

SplinedParticles Sparcle GlowRect Sprites Spline

But this setup is so tricky: Stacking it all is easy, but after pressing 's', wz crashes. In order to make it work I had to 'warm up' the structure by first removing Sparcle op, stacking SplinedParticles directly above Sprites and then 'showing' the whole structure. Then I returned Sparcle in its place below SplinedParticles and it just worked fine.... before the next time I loaded my project file. So, each time I load the file I have to repeat the 'warm-up' procedure which is kinda annoying...

I wonder if that is a bug (that can be fixed?) or Sparcle is just not supposed to work when stacked below SplinedParticles? Thank you.

rygorous commented 12 years ago

As a general rule, any crash is a bug, period. There's things that aren't supposed to work, but Wz4 is never supposed to crash, ever.

Anyway, this was actually two bugs. The first one was the crash, and the second one was the "sparcs" (spelling, argh!) not showing up the first time round - which is a direct consequence of the, ahem, "special" way SplinedParticles interacts with the Spline op. Anyway, it should work now.

Skinnytorus commented 12 years ago

Great many thanks!