farbrausch / fr_public

Farbrausch demo tools 2001-2011
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WZ4: Request. Combine Explosion with Sparcle? #65

Open Skinnytorus opened 12 years ago

Skinnytorus commented 12 years ago

Hi! I was experimenting with the Exposion stack and thought that maybe it would be wonderful if the shards could be followed by smoke trails or something similar...

I tried to combine the Explode Chunks with Sprites renderer and it worked - srites can be bound to shards through yellow Add op. But as it turned out, no 'tracer' effect works in this setup. Sparcle and/or Trails (dark green) cause immediate crash. The only thing that I could get to work was the Trails (yellow) with animated Delta param (because the trails are already shown before the explosion and I had to prevent that)... but that is not quite what seems fit..

I thought, probably, if you had some time... maybe you could see at what can be done? Thank you.