farfalleflickan / Fusion360WineInstaller

The Unlicense
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Installation just crashes #1

Closed toluschr closed 5 years ago

toluschr commented 5 years ago

So I really want this to work, but after typing ./installer.sh 1 into a terminal the installation window appears, but the process crashes. I never get to the point where I can login to my account. I tried continuing the steps anyways, and the launcher does show up anyways but it crashes too. (Wine 4.6-staging)

farfalleflickan commented 5 years ago

Fusion is a bit hit or miss, I myself have been doing testing as, since corefonts winhttp wininet were added, installation has been broken for me too (which is funny because I re-added those as they were needed for someone else's install to work). I've just updated the readme with more instructions (note: not sure any of those work, haven't had time to do proper testing), if those don't help, i suggest editing the installer script and removing corefonts winhttp wininet, as that might help. Also what distro are you on?

EDIT: Yeah, removing corefonts winhttp wininet makes it all work for me, so maybe try that. Not sure exactly why it works

toluschr commented 5 years ago

I installed it successfully now. It's a bit buggy, but I'd give it a silver rating on WineHQ