farfalleflickan / Fusion360WineInstaller

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[winerror 87] Invalid Parameter #11

Open nathanandtech opened 3 years ago

nathanandtech commented 3 years ago

When i try this on Manjaro Gnome I get the autodesk installer screen but no loading bar ever fills and after a few seconds I get '[winerror 87] invalid parameter.

Google seems to suggest a python threading error? Has anyone seen this before?

Zamundaaa commented 3 years ago

Same problem on Manjaro KDE. If I use the lutris installation script this does not happen (but fails for other reasons)

t3pfaffe commented 3 years ago

Also receiving this error Arch Linux (btw) with 5.9.11-arch2-1 kernel on Cinnamon.

fcruz-ehr commented 3 years ago

Same on Ubuntu 20.04 - also, I was unable to find the d3d11 library from the step where we are supposed to remove it