[ ] BlahFactory extends TestObjectFactory like in test code for now
[ ] replace BusinessProcessModelTasks with BlahSteps
[ ] layer 2 method bodies should be BlahFactory.get("DataTablePage").assertAttributes(dataTable) or Blah2Factory.get("JsonRequest").setIsInvalid() etc
[ ] fix feature file parsing in doc strings
Medium Priority
[x] make a UML factory for annotation
[x] make factories for Cucumber to make getrow getcell simpler
[x] make factories for java
[ ] remove UMLProject.theSystem from all the UML Factory methods
[ ] one class for name translation per language (after all factories created). Conversions are needed for class and qualified names as well as files and paths as well as parent app names in both.
[ ] address TODO
[ ] capitalize object and app names in Xtext itself, make more regex to check and throw error
Low Priority
[ ] refactor existing tests in Xtext and validator using the plugin
[ ] consistent variable naming convention
[ ] rename abstract classes and methods for consistency
After a UML model is created, it should be transformed into java code.