farhanwazir / laravelgooglemaps

Laravel Google Maps Package
MIT License
152 stars 112 forks source link

Not work in Laravel 7.0 #50

Open helesjunior opened 4 years ago

helesjunior commented 4 years ago

Is not working in laravel 7.0 " - Conclusion: don't install laravel/framework v7.17.2"

faisalsehar786 commented 4 years ago

$data_location = "https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=".urlencode(utf8_encode($address))."&key=".config('googlemaps.key')."&sensor=".$this->sensor; if ($this->region != "" && strlen($this->region) == 2) { $data_location .= "&region=".$this->region; } D:\xampp\htdocs\googlemap\vendor\farhanwazir\laravelgooglemaps\src\FarhanWazir\GoogleMaps\GMaps.php if map not working first get google api key is vailed and enable map service and for direction enable direction services and this package working with price plain of map and after these things map not still working then please go to D:\xampp\htdocs\googlemap\vendor\farhanwazir\laravelgooglemaps\src\FarhanWazir\GoogleMaps\GMaps.php and replace code $data_location = "https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=".urlencode(utf8_encode($address))."&key=".config('googlemaps.key')."&sensor=".$this->sensor; if ($this->region != "" && strlen($this->region) == 2) { $data_location .= "&region=".$this->region; } if working on server enable file_get_contents and any js changes of google map js related file is D:\xampp\htdocs\googlemap\vendor\farhanwazir\laravelgooglemaps\src\FarhanWazir\GoogleMaps\GMaps.php

for help http://biostall.com/demos/google-maps-v3-api-codeigniter-library/
