farhat-lab / gentb-site

The genTB project, the Django site, variant calling and prediciton pipeline, and mapping pipeline with hooks to two ravens
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Ensure all scripts are in the version controlled gentb-site repository folder #226

Open mahafarhat opened 3 years ago

mahafarhat commented 3 years ago

currently the website points to ${bin} folder under /n/groups/gentb_www which is not maintained as a repo. Its time to repoint the website ${bin} instead to /n/www/gentb.hms.harvard.edu/bin/ which is a under the maintained repo to ease maintenance.

mahafarhat commented 3 years ago

We have discussed this and the plan is to create a readme handbook for updating predict R code, python and other code respectively. We now have two folder locations to store programs ${repo} (preferred if size allows) and ${bin} (current majority of code due to concerns about size of files/folders). Most libraries are stored in ${bin}

mgro commented 3 years ago

I will move all scripts to ${repo} for the RF 2.2. (before we set it as default pipeline) and WDNN pipelines