farin / JCloisterZone

Java implementation of Carcassonne board game
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Solovei Razboynik - new rules clarification #412

Open stanolacko opened 2 years ago

stanolacko commented 2 years ago

Author of Solovei Razboynik tile made new clarification to work this tile. FAQ possible to check on https://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=5545

Required change.

  1. Check order of Trap - Vodyanoy is first, because is stronger (when both traps can trap meeple), need to check also chain situation - Meeple traped by Solovei and moved to Tile with Solovei Tree. If this tile is adjacent to Vodyanoy, then Vodyanoy trap Vodyanoy and move meeple to his tile. (Other words, check Vodyanoy 1st and then check Vodyanoy again - just in case)
  2. Solovei and Vodyanoy trap also Special Meeples
  3. When Solovei Razboinik tile is placed it trap only nearest meeple on road (or multiple meeples on same distance)
  4. When extend road by tile (also join existing two/more roads by placing tile), nearest meeple(s) to Solovei is(are) trapped,
  5. There is an edge case when extend road 1 without Solovei joins road 2 (with Solovei) by a ferry movement and/or joined by placement of tunnel token:
    • If road 1 has no meeple, Solovei capture does not apply
    • If road 1 has a meeple at least, Solovei capture applies to the joined road1+road 2

Updated by new clarifications.

stanolacko commented 2 years ago

Sumarization by Meepledrone: The capture of meeple is triggered when: