farisfaikar / Number-Game

Number Game is a game where players solve a 4-digit secret number combination using clever deductions!
MIT License
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Merge highscore.json with data.json #30

Closed farisfaikar closed 2 years ago

farisfaikar commented 2 years ago

highscore.json contains highscores, while data.json currently contains achievement data. I intend to combine both of them so everything is tidier. But this will mean refactoring highscores code across the project to make it work. I've made a placeholder highscores data on data.json as an example.

Aragorn-64 commented 2 years ago

Hi @R0merol, I'd like to work on this :)

farisfaikar commented 2 years ago

Good luck 💯

farisfaikar commented 2 years ago

Can you put data.json in .gitingore as well just like highscore.json so every time there's a fresh installation, everything resets?

lyer1 commented 2 years ago

I would also like to work on this.

lyer1 commented 2 years ago

@R0merol Hey, I've merged highscore.json and data.json into data.json. Also instead of the gitignore method I have made it so that when the game is run for the first time it creates a fresh data.json, was wondering if that is okay?

farisfaikar commented 2 years ago

I have made it so that when the game is run for the first time it creates a fresh data.json

Yess, that's exactly what I'm going for. Do note that this issue is already assigned to @Aragorn-64, so you guys might wanna communicate on that

lyer1 commented 2 years ago

Hey @Aragorn-64 how far in are you into resolving this issue?

Aragorn-64 commented 2 years ago

Hi @Lyeriff, I was a bit busy and had only gotten to reading and understanding the code base and what this problem needed. Did you already solve the issue?

Aragorn-64 commented 2 years ago

@R0merol Can i still try and work on the issue? It would be a learning experience for me (as I was unfamiliar with .json and larger python projects)

farisfaikar commented 2 years ago

@Aragorn-64 The issue has been resolved. I'm not sure if we could implement anything else regarding the data.json, but stay tuned because I might get more ideas for this!

Aragorn-64 commented 2 years ago

Okay @R0merol