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Draft of FirstPost #74

Closed ludwa6 closed 3 years ago

ludwa6 commented 4 years ago

This request is really a test of the workflow to submit proposed blog-posts via pull request.

ludwa6 commented 4 years ago

Sense-Able Farming with farmOS

The Context: Given that the farm is by its very nature a complex open system in a dynamic environment, it is essential for all operations under management to incorporate strong feedback loops into their decision-making processes. As owner/operator of a quite diversified farm operation, I have struggled for years with the challenge of how to do this in a systematic way, before concluding that what is really needed is an Operating System for our holistic farm enterprise -and moreover a responsive one (vs a stiff "black box" solution whose logic we could never fully understand, let alone control). Having concluded after some exploration of accessible options that farmOS appeared to fit this description best of all, at least on the face of it, the first step would be to see how well it could listen to what our operation had to say about itself, record those inputs, and give back answers to our questions on-demand, all in a minimally frictional way.

To that end, i see different listening modes, which point to two specific UseCases:

Remote Sensing from fixed locations

The essential problem, as stated by Chris Rowe in documentation of his GrovePi/Node-RED remote sensing solution, really nails it for me: "I am a farmer and I want a tool to remotely know what is happening in the environment because I can't be everywhere all the time." exactly! .

As to solutions: FarmOS has affordances, including a well-documented API (Application Programming Interface) to support the integration of environmental sensors, as described on the site. In the Documentation section under "Assets," see the "Sensors" page for information about how to connect sensors -for example the aforementioned solution from Chris Rowe. In our case, we decided to trial the Quahog solution from Edge Collective, mainly because developer Don Blair was so accessible and helpful... And so it is that you can see on our farmOS instance, under Assets:Sensors menu, the page for "Quahog1" sensor (login as: guest/guest1 for read-only view of all gives a pretty good view (including line graph plots) of the time-series data we've got flowing in from both gateway and remote node version1 (presently located at our greenhouse).

NB: This is a limited apparatus -just 2 sensors in one location for soil moisture and temperature- that still in R&D mode (Am just seeing now, as it happens, that the sensor has been offline for some time; must go check gateway power and maybe push the reset button) but good enough to prove the concept that we can pipe data from pretty much any sensor(s -and there are many accessible options!) via cheap commodity hardware into farmOS with little ado and nary a hiccup, once you get the hardware sorted out.

Mobile FarmWorker Observations

As stated above, Remote Sensing being essentially a workaround for the problem of scarce farmer-bandwidth, the primary feedback mechanism remains the farmers presence, for two most important reasons:

So, as a handy supplement to our Remote Sensing apparatus, we use FieldKit on iOS and/or Android mobile platforms as the human interface for recording ad-hoc observations, which -tho not yet out of beta- is already proving useful (login as above) for the one fairly limited UseCase that I've outlined in the Issues tracker, along with related bug(s -or enhancements, as developer Jamie Gaehring has classified this set: fair enough). As evidenced by this comprehensive list of issues, the countdown to version 1.0 release is well underway, and I am cautiously optimistic (based on the rhythm and quality of beta releases that JG has released since I joined the program last summer) that we'll soon have a good & handy tool for anyone with a smartphone to pipe observations from the field (including GeoLocated photos) directly into farmOS. Go Jamie! :-)


Inconclusive, in a word, yet Promising (ok that's two words :-). Though I cannot yet say that we've got a production-ready solution to either of the aforementioned UseCases, we do have a solid proof-of-concept on both fronts, and a few questions for further research w/r/t each, i.e.:

Those are the questions I will be working with my team to answer, the next little while.. And for you, farmOS user in your particular context, i would ask:

If so, then we'd love to hear from you; please join us in discussion of this topic on the farmOS Discourse system... And have a Sense-Able Day! :-)

mstenta commented 3 years ago

@ludwa6 I'm cleaning up the issue queue, and I think we can close this PR, since it was just a test (right?)

But I also like this post and don't want it to be lost in the ether! :-)

Would it make sense to cross-post it on the Forum? In lieu of a true blog which is yet to be built...

mstenta commented 3 years ago

Or, should we leave it open until we DO have a blog? I'd be fine with that too. What do you think @ludwa6 - preferences?

ludwa6 commented 3 years ago

It was indeed just a test, @mstenta -and i'm not interested in maintaining it as a permanent artifact myself (has a bit of obsolete info in it, i notice)... So from my perspective, you can either repost to forum or some other place or delete it, as you wish (thanks for asking :-)

mstenta commented 3 years ago

Great thanks @ludwa6 ! I'll close the PR - but it will be here for future reference if you ever need it again. :-)