farmOS / farmOS-map

farmOS-map is an OpenLayers wrapper library designed for agricultural mapping needs. It can be used in any project that has similar requirements.
MIT License
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Improve edit control icons to make them clearer and more intuitive #179 #179

Closed symbioquine closed 1 year ago

symbioquine commented 1 year ago



The button designs, while elegant, don't fit with users expectations. First, there's a sense that because the fields are perfectly square, that is a square line drawing tool. So there's hesitancy in using it, and rather people use the line tool instead. The problem is that the line tool does not create an area WKT object, and that produces non-obvious cascading user experience failures down the line (you save something that's should be an area as a line and in FarmOS it doesn't show the acreage... when you export to another service, it fails to render it as an area so the service doesn't work right, etc. etc.).

I should also say this doesn't just happen sometimes... it happens a lot.

So the design changes offer a few simple things to address these issues:

  • The main area icons (circle, poly) look filled, and poly icon is not square. All this helps inform the user that this is for creating general purpose areas, helping them not use inappropriate (ie line) solutions.
  • The 'modify' tool is just more obvious, showing a pointer dragging a corner. It's less elegant than the previous solution, but in our experience users need clarity over elegance in this situation. It's also very similar to the design of this type of function in other solutions, building on what users may have already seen.

See previous/related issues;





Build output before:

$ npm run build

> build
> npm run lint && webpack --config webpack.config.js --mode production

> lint
> eslint src && stylelint 'src/**/*.css'

assets by status 86.8 KiB [cached] 17 assets
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  ./node_modules/ol-grid/dist/ol-grid.cjs.js 14.6 KiB [built] [code generated]
webpack 5.38.1 compiled successfully in 5033 ms

Build output after:

$ npm run build

> build
> npm run lint && webpack --config webpack.config.js --mode production

> lint
> eslint src && stylelint 'src/**/*.css'

assets by status 78 KiB [cached] 16 assets
assets by path . 473 KiB
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  asset farmOS-map.css 19.9 KiB [compared for emit] (name: main)
  asset index.html 1.42 KiB [compared for emit] [from: examples/simple-html-consumer/static/index.html] [copied]
Entrypoint main [big] 449 KiB = farmOS-map.css 19.9 KiB farmOS-map.js 429 KiB
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  modules by path ./src/ 693 KiB (javascript) 4.43 KiB (css/mini-extract) 22 modules
  modules by path ./node_modules/ol-layerswitcher/dist/ 26.6 KiB (javascript) 5.06 KiB (css/mini-extract) 2 modules
  modules by path ./node_modules/ol-geocoder/dist/ 16.8 KiB (javascript) 6.99 KiB (css/mini-extract) 2 modules
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  ./node_modules/rbush/rbush.min.js 6.31 KiB [built] [code generated]
  ./node_modules/ol-grid/dist/ol-grid.cjs.js 14.6 KiB [built] [code generated]
webpack 5.38.1 compiled successfully in 4833 ms
symbioquine commented 1 year ago

For future reference my process for standardizing/minifying the svg icons @gbathree provided was as follows;

symbioquine commented 1 year ago

Just make sure to change the Gin accent color and see that it updates the map. I think our green colors are similar so it might be hard to notice this otherwise.

Good point! Thanks!

symbioquine commented 1 year ago

The force-pushed changes do the following;

Current HEAD (without these changes):


New Version:

image image

mstenta commented 1 year ago

LGTM! Thanks @symbioquine!!