farmOS / farmOS-map

farmOS-map is an OpenLayers wrapper library designed for agricultural mapping needs. It can be used in any project that has similar requirements.
MIT License
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Add --farmos-map-accent-color CSS property #186

Closed paul121 closed 1 year ago

paul121 commented 1 year ago

Fixes #181

The basic issue here is that we define the color: green style in two places. Platforms integrating farmOS-map need to override this CSS in two (in the future, maybe more) places in order to achieve consistent colors.

This introduces the concept of an "accent" color to farmOS-map as a custom CSS property --farmos-map-accent-color at the :root pseudo-class. I got this idea from Drupal Gin which uses these custom properties quite extensively. The custom CSS property is like a variable that all internal farmOS-map styles should reference. Outside of farmOS-map this variable can be overwritten, ideally at the map wrapper class instead of the global :root since custom CSS properties do inherit.

eg following this, for farmOS core we would need to make this change:

--- a/modules/core/ui/theme/css/map.css
+++ b/modules/core/ui/theme/css/map.css
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* Set text color of map control buttons to match SVG color. */ .ol-control button {
-  color: var(--colorGinPrimary); {
+  --farmos-map-accent-color: var(--colorGinPrimary);

More of the spec is here:

mstenta commented 1 year ago

Agreed! Great idea!

symbioquine commented 1 year ago

@paul121 Do you have a screenshot of the fix in place?

paul121 commented 1 year ago

Screenshot from 2022-10-24 08-22-26

paul121 commented 1 year ago

Force push for changelog reference. Thanks for the fast review @symbioquine @mstenta !