farmerbb / Notepad

A simple, bare-bones, no-frills note taking app for Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Why the import/export system? #146

Open Cwpute opened 7 months ago

Cwpute commented 7 months ago

I've been using this app for quite some time and wanted to automatically back-up my notes using DavX and a Nextcloud server. Unfortunately i discoverd the notes were not saved as plain files, but had to be manually exported before being tampered with by other apps.

A simple question: why? What makes keeping these files inside the app better than saving them as plain files to begin with ?

I'd hate to see my notes being lost because i didn't back them up manually for a week, while the rest of my contacts, mails, photos etc… are automatically handled by my backup setup. Keeping the notes locked into the app behind an import/export system seems strange and counter-intuitive to me.