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Created a tool to extract roms from NES Remix and NES Remix 2 #118

Open Doodl0 opened 8 months ago

Doodl0 commented 8 months ago

I created a tool to extract the roms from NES Remix and NES Remix 2. In total, it extracts 48 USA and Japan roms that work flawlessly on all emulators that I have tried, and also extracts a Famicom Disk System bios. I have updated my readme to include inscrutions on how to do that. Here is a link to the repo, which also includes details on which roms and how to use it

You can also extract a Famicom Disk System bios from the end of an unmodified FDS rom in the files, which I didn't mention in my repo. However, it is the Rev 1 Gamecude version, so a few bytes need to be modified.

DrAzathoth commented 8 months ago

Could you add support for Ultimate NES Remix? Its QD ROMs have an extra header so they can’t be converted into the FDS format without the header’s removal.

Doodl0 commented 8 months ago

Somebdy else has already made this. You can run it in Godmode9. Here are the instructions on how to use it I also don't own Ultimate NES Rwmix currently, but if I get it, I may try to add support.

Doodl0 commented 8 months ago

Also I'm not 100%, but if you have some basic Python knowledge, and the roms are formatted the same, you could try to repurpose my script for FDS roms. There is already a function you could attempt to use on UNR called fdsfix(). However, my code is not the greatest, so it may be confusing.

kjetil-f commented 8 months ago

Is this for the Wii U?

Doodl0 commented 8 months ago

Is this for the Wii U?


kjetil-f commented 8 months ago

Excellent, Do you know if it will work with a backup made with the Dumpling app from the Homebrew launcher, or do the game needs to be dumped in another way?

Doodl0 commented 8 months ago

That's what I tested it with, so it should work. However if it helps, I've only so far tested the European version and I'm not sure about the regional differences. If you need help, reply to this thread and I'll try my best to help

kjetil-f commented 8 months ago

Thanks! Using the European version myself actually. I'll give it a go (when time allows).

Levine91 commented 8 months ago

Just to clarify, this dumps the base roms and none of the actual remix roms/patched roms, correct?

Doodl0 commented 8 months ago

Just to clarify, this dumps the base roms and none of the actual remix roms/patched roms, correct?

Yes. Remix patches are applied separately, so it would be almost impossible to recreate that in a regular emulator

kjetil-f commented 8 months ago

It worked. However, I tested it in a couple of emulators and they didn't work. Comparing it to other dumps, I can see that they don't include any NES-headers. So I added it, and it works fine.

About the FDS bios. Exactly how can I extract one that will work?

Doodl0 commented 8 months ago

Sorry, I forgot to mention that the ROMs are unheadered, so they work on some emulators fine, but others not so much.

The FDS bios can be extracted from the last 8kb of any of the FDS games before they are edited. However, it is the version of the bios found in certain GameCube games, like Animal Crossing, so certain bytes are different. I was going to make a script to do this, but I have been putting it off.

If you want to attempt it yourself, you can use a hex editor to remove the game rom and some blank bytes, and then I would recommend using this Reddit post to find out which bytes need changing. If you encounter any trouble I am happy to help

Doodl0 commented 8 months ago

Also, here are a list of all the unedited FDS ROMs so you know which file to use


Doodl0 commented 8 months ago

Also also, I updated the README to include instructions on how to add the headers

kjetil-f commented 8 months ago

Awesome! I will check it out.

Doodl0 commented 7 months ago

I have just uploaded version 1.1 of the script. Here are the patch notes

kjetil-f commented 7 months ago

Thank you. Works like a dream.

TheNametag commented 2 months ago

Regarding the Ultimate NES Remix tool:

The Famicom games on the cart (Kid Icarus, Metroid, SMB: Lost Levels, and Zelda 2) are in the .qd format that Nintendo has been using for a while now. The extractor above adds iNES headers to the files, but if you remove them in a hex editor, the resulting .qd files are entirely playable on emulators that support it (such as PuNES). So if that program could be redone to not apply the headers to those, it would extract them more easily. And, in theory, could convert them to .fds if they included that. Though it would appear at least the one responsible for the version above is not interested in such.