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Neo Geo Mini / Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro #141

Open RealRelativeEase opened 5 months ago

RealRelativeEase commented 5 months ago

Has anyone been able to extracted the preinstalled ROMs from SNK's (somewhat) recent hardware releases? The hacking how-to's for the Neo Geo Mini that I've found mostly dealt with adding additional games to the devices, and the ones that mentioned extracting preinstalled games warned that the procedure will brick the system.

Are there any up-to-date guides for either of these systems?

kjetil-f commented 3 months ago

The response I've got from regarding the mini in r/classicmods:

"I don't think the password for root access has been shared publicly. A couple of weeks ago, I tried to look into Neo Geo Mini mods, and it's a mess. There's no definitive guide on Github, GBATemp or other websites and the hacks were usually just flashing an image containing a bunch of ROMs onto the Mini. One of the devs of the hack was hired by the manufacturer of the Neo Geo Mini and he took the tools he released offline.

Someone at some point must've figured out the root password and maybe it was stored somewhere in the hack, but I don't have access to the hack and I'm also lacking the skill to figure it out myself."

kjetil-f commented 3 months ago

For the Arcade Stick Pro that is linked here it seems like it's more or less the same method as I used with the Super Retro-Cade #85 That tutorial (Retro-Bit Generations) comes from the same blog.

RealRelativeEase commented 3 months ago

I've bought a Japanese Neo Geo Mini and tried to access it via UART, unfortunately with no success.

The motherboard doesn't label the UART terminals, but I think I figured out what they're supposed to be. ngmmotherboard

I was unable to access the NAND or move any files, since that apparently requires a password. TeraTermnoUSB

Which is frustrating, because apparently to a user comment at the bottom, the method for the Arcade Stick Pro worked for the Neo Geo Mini as well.

So if anyone wants to take a stab at the Neo Geo Mini or has some advice on how to make this work, any help would be appreciated.

kjetil-f commented 3 months ago

At least you got to the front door. Only a password away, I suppose.

What baud rate did you use, btw?

RealRelativeEase commented 3 months ago

What baud rate did you use, btw?

115200, seems to be the standard for mini consoles.

kjetil-f commented 3 months ago

Just a wild shot, but have you tried do type in "root" before the login shows up? I think I had to do that on Legends Flashback to get access.

RealRelativeEase commented 3 months ago

Just a wild shot, but have you tried do type in "root" before the login shows up? I think I had to do that on Legends Flashback to get access.

I did, to no avail, unfortunately.