farmerbb / SecondScreen

Better screen mirroring for Android devices
Apache License 2.0
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Disable device backlight #104

Open molli1312 opened 2 months ago

molli1312 commented 2 months ago

Hi, I am very happy with the app. What I'm missing, however, is Disable device backlight. For me it works with the ADB command echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/brightness.

I would like to see the change in the next update.

Furthermore, after disconnecting the display, the app sets the density DPI. But my preferred standard DPi in "phone mode" is 289. The possibility of setting this when the display is disconnected would be nice.

My Phone: Fairphone 4 with Lineageos

molli1312 commented 2 months ago

" Furthermore, after disconnecting the display, the app sets the density DPI. But my preferred standard DPi in "phone mode" is 289. The possibility of setting this when the display is disconnected would be nice."

I have found a solution to this problem

adb devices adb root adb remount

adb pull /system/vendor/build.prop

nano build.prop





adb push build.prop /system/vendor/build.prop adb shell chmod 644 /system/vendor/ adb reboot