farmerbb / Taskbar

PC-style productivity for Android
Apache License 2.0
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[Rebase] Migrate to Kotlin & Compose #262

Open machiav3lli opened 1 year ago

machiav3lli commented 1 year ago

Considering that the project has been inactive for a while and (looking at your activity) you having a specific interest in (Jetpack) Compose, maybe it would make sense to migrate the code fully to Kotlin and consequently use Compose.

This should give the project a new life, considering the flexibility of Compose compared to the legacy xml-layouts. I'd also be interested in helping in this considering that we use libtaskbar in Neo Launcher and a personal interest in bringing desktop mode forward (against Google's willing as it seems).

farmerbb commented 1 year ago

I absolutely want to rewrite Taskbar to use Kotlin and Compose. I recently finished a rewrite of my Notepad app (which is now 100% Kotlin and 100% Compose), and intend to have Taskbar be the next app of mine that's rewritten.

My free time is very limited these days, and the Notepad rewrite ended up being fairly daunting, so I have a few thoughts:

Anyway, would love to see a Kotlin/Compose rewrite of Taskbar happen and any help would be appreciated.

machiav3lli commented 1 year ago

In my experience, migrating to Kotlin for the first time is pretty tiring, but I've done for now couple of times and it gets always easier (not just through experience but also Kotlin API's and AS's auto-migration are both getting better).

I fully agree on A10+ and leaving current code as legacy/archived. Just ping me here or write me through any of the Neo Collective groups when you decide on starting/planing to work on this, I'd be gladly involved in this (I think @saulhdev & @nift4 maybe too?).

sivasubramaniamv commented 1 year ago

I can help with this migration. Count me in when you start.