farmerbb / Taskbar

PC-style productivity for Android
Apache License 2.0
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Resolution/Aspect Ratio Issue [Android 13, OnePlus 8T] #269

Open JaxasScarlet opened 12 months ago

JaxasScarlet commented 12 months ago

When using Taskbar (whether in conjunction with SecondScreen or not), the "usable" aspect ratio appears to be set incorrectly

There appear to be 2 separate (but likely linked?) issues: 1) The usable space on the screen is incorrect 2) The width of the Taskbar itself is sometimes set incorrectly

Issue 1: Usable Space The external display's usable space seems to be using the phone's aspect ratio, leaving bars of unusable space along the top and bottom

Issue 2: Taskbar Width

I don't remember having either of these issues on Android 11, but after OnePlus so kindly forcibly updated my phone to A13, this has been consistent

I'm assuming that A13 support is "experimental at best" at the moment(?), however if anyone even just has ideas for ways to work around this (I have Root, and already enabled the additional ADB settings in Taskbar) that would be a big help!

pureexe commented 9 months ago

I have same Taskbar width Issue on Android 13, ROG phone6