farmeroy / opennote

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Added some details to and created #9

Closed SiAust closed 7 months ago

SiAust commented 7 months ago

A little added to the just until we become more specific with our goals and features.

The OU info was generated by Bard AI. I tried to cite it using the syntax I thought most appropriate but it does not seem to render the asterisk bullet list at the bottom, as I thought it should.

Markdown Referencing Syntax

marek-jakub commented 7 months ago

Yes, .md with its quirks. Maybe you could try something similar to:

Do you want to create links in the text, or show references as well?

Something like:

their own pace and from anywhere in the world, with the support of a network of regional centers and online resources." [[1]](#1)

### References
<a id="1">[1] </a> "Bard, a large language model created by Google AI."
SiAust commented 7 months ago

I was going for a reference style list like we do with assignments but it's not really needed. As long as people understand where the text came from, Bard in this case, a link would do I suppose.

Interesting code, I will try it out! Do you want me to update the code branch?

Edit: That code didn't quite work right either but I've found some that should, at least on Github. It doesn't format properly in InteliJ Idea Markdown viewer but if I push to the repo apparently it should on Github. Markdown Footnotes

Edit2: It does work on Github \o/

marek-jakub commented 7 months ago

Thanks Simon, I'll leave it up to you, you've done a grand job, a link should suffice. We will need to keep updating it, anyway.

SiAust commented 7 months ago

Yeah absolutely, just a little practice and exploring more markdown features is always fun.

I guess we can go ahead and merge this one? I know I did the code review request but that was also for practice/test purposes really. Ok to go ahead @farmeroy ? :)