farnking / Test-Dragon-Forum-of-TBots

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Test error #7

Closed bettyteng21 closed 11 months ago

bettyteng21 commented 12 months ago
Whole Error Message ```bash Exception has occurred: SessionNotCreatedException Message: Expected browser binary location, but unable to find binary in default location, no 'moz:firefoxOptions.binary' capability provided, and no binary flag set on the command line File "C:\Users\farn\Documents\prgm\TestDragon\Server\clientDownloads\TestDragonr11921a25@ntu.edu.tw\TestDragonPlayGround\src\CnTestingTask.pyx", line 13381, in __init__ File "C:\Users\farn\Documents\prgm\TestDragon\Server\clientDownloads\TestDragonr11921a25@ntu.edu.tw\TestDragonPlayGround\src\CnTestingTask.pyx", line 15296, in webDriverManagerFromForum File "C:\Users\farn\Documents\prgm\TestDragon\Server\clientDownloads\TestDragonr11921a25@ntu.edu.tw\TestDragonPlayGround\src\CnTestingTask.pyx", line 71250, in start File "C:\Users\farn\Documents\prgm\TestDragon\Server\clientDownloads\TestDragonr11921a25@ntu.edu.tw\TestDragonPlayGround\src\CnTestingTask.pyx", line 71189, in __init__ File "C:\Users\farn\Documents\prgm\TestDragon\Server\clientDownloads\TestDragonr11921a25@ntu.edu.tw\TestDragonPlayGround\src\CnTestingTask.pyx", line 29769, in __init__ File "C:\Users\farn\Documents\prgm\TestDragon\Server\clientDownloads\TestDragonr11921a25@ntu.edu.tw\TestDragonPlayGround\src\CnTestingTask.pyx", line 39759, in __init__ File "C:\Users\farn\Documents\prgm\TestDragon\Server\clientDownloads\TestDragonr11921a25@ntu.edu.tw\TestDragonPlayGround\src\CnTestingTask.pyx", line 33578, in startMegaTBot selenium.common.exceptions.SessionNotCreatedException: Message: Expected browser binary location, but unable to find binary in default location, no 'moz:firefoxOptions.binary' capability provided, and no binary flag set on the command line ```
bettyteng21 commented 12 months ago
Terminal ``` (7.0) verification_email_input: {'op==textInput': 5, 'verification_email_input _NLP@inTopScores': 5} (7.0) verification_email_input:op==textInput Type II >> ('op', , 'textInput', 5) (7.0) verification_email_input:verification_email_input _NLP@inTopScores Type III >> ('verification_email_input', , None, 5) (7.1) verification_email_input: {'op==textInput': 5, 'verify _NLP@inTopScores': 3} (7.1) verification_email_input:op==textInput Type II >> ('op', , 'textInput', 5) (7.1) verification_email_input:verify _NLP@inTopScores Type III >> ('verify', , None, 3) (7.2) verification_email_input: {'op==textInput': 5, 'email _NLP@inTopScores': 3} (7.2) verification_email_input:op==textInput Type II >> ('op', , 'textInput', 5) (7.2) verification_email_input:email _NLP@inTopScores Type III >> ('email', , None, 3) (8) verification_sms_input: [{'op==textInput': 5, 'verification_sms_input _NLP@inTopScores': 5}, {'op==textInput': 5, 'verify _NLP@inTopScores': 3}, {'op==textInput': 5, 'phone _NLP@inTopScores': 2}, {'op==textInput': 5, 'mobile_phone _NLP@inTopScores': 3}] (8.0) verification_sms_input: {'op==textInput': 5, 'verification_sms_input _NLP@inTopScores': 5} (8.0) verification_sms_input:op==textInput Type II >> ('op', , 'textInput', 5) (8.0) verification_sms_input:verification_sms_input _NLP@inTopScores Type III >> ('verification_sms_input', , None, 5) (8.1) verification_sms_input: {'op==textInput': 5, 'verify _NLP@inTopScores': 3} (8.1) verification_sms_input:op==textInput Type II >> ('op', , 'textInput', 5) (8.1) verification_sms_input:verify _NLP@inTopScores Type III >> ('verify', , None, 3) (8.2) verification_sms_input: {'op==textInput': 5, 'phone _NLP@inTopScores': 2} (8.2) verification_sms_input:op==textInput Type II >> ('op', , 'textInput', 5) (8.2) verification_sms_input:phone _NLP@inTopScores Type III >> ('phone', , None, 2) (8.3) verification_sms_input: {'op==textInput': 5, 'mobile_phone _NLP@inTopScores': 3} (8.3) verification_sms_input:op==textInput Type II >> ('op', , 'textInput', 5) (8.3) verification_sms_input:mobile_phone _NLP@inTopScores Type III >> ('mobile_phone', , None, 3) (9) submit_button: [{'op==click': 5, 'submit _NLP@inTopScores': 5}] (9.0) submit_button: {'op==click': 5, 'submit _NLP@inTopScores': 5} (9.0) submit_button:op==click Type II >> ('op', , 'click', 5) (9.0) submit_button:submit _NLP@inTopScores Type III >> ('submit', , None, 5) ===[Test case Nr selected!]===== Id: 52 ; State: 0 ; Column: 0 Text: 52 Data: 0 TestDragon leaving the table row selection mainLoop! ^^ Popping gui stack ( 0 ) for player: 0 Warning: global project used before initialization. Posting message: {'player': 'TestDragon', 'texts': ['I am happy to execute project 162 for my master to test web application https_..www.ee.ntu.edu.tw.', 'Little T has your back.']} postMessage: I am happy to execute project 162 for my master to test web application https_..www.ee.ntu.edu.tw. Little T has your back. postMessage(2): I am happy to execute project 162 for my master to test web application https_..www.ee.ntu.edu.tw. Little T has your back. (2) Finished Waiting for tts: I am happy to execute project 162 for my master to test web application https_..www.ee.ntu.edu.tw. Little T has your back. (0o0) >> after selecting the project: 162 Posting message: {'op': 'postMessageInDialogPanel', 'player': 'r11921a25@ntu.edu.tw', 'texts': ['Switch to project 162 of web https_..www.ee.ntu.edu.tw.'], 'timeStamp': '上午 07:42:21', 'dateStamp': '2023/9/20'} postMessage: Switch to project 162 of web https_..www.ee.ntu.edu.tw. postMessage(2): Switch to project 162 of web https_..www.ee.ntu.edu.tw. >> after starting the TBot thread! The tBot thread, before starting the project: Posting message: {'op': 'postMessageInDialogPanel', 'player': 'TestDragon', 'texts': ['Session starts!'], 'timeStamp': '上午 07:42:21', 'dateStamp': '2023/9/20'} postMessage: Session starts! postMessage(2): Session starts! Warning: global project used before initialization. Warning: global project used before initialization. >>>> GUI waking up, before update screenshot! before updating screenshot in updateGUI! drawing the screenshot! Warning: global project used before initialization. Cannot get the project! (0o0) a 1 after updating screenshot in updateGUI! (^o^) __safeAppId is not set! 'CnProjectManager_CnProject' object has no attribute '_CnProjectManager_CnProject__safeAppId' FM appCacheDir: c:\Users\betty\TestDragon\TestDragonPlayGround\.TestDragonCache\https_..www.ee.ntu.edu.tw displayOrientationPath: c:\Users\betty\TestDragon\TestDragonPlayGround\.TestDragonCache\https_..www.ee.ntu.edu.tw\displayOrientation.txt [Thread-7][INFO] Lock 2656600226504 acquired on C:\Users\betty\anaconda3\envs\TAAD\lib\site-packages\tldextract\.suffix_cache/publicsuffix.org-tlds\de84b5ca2167d4c83e38fb162f2e8738.tldextract.json.lock [Thread-7][INFO] Lock 2656600226504 released on C:\Users\betty\anaconda3\envs\TAAD\lib\site-packages\tldextract\.suffix_cache/publicsuffix.org-tlds\de84b5ca2167d4c83e38fb162f2e8738.tldextract.json.lock Done urlAnalyzing: {'url': 'https://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/', 'scheme': 'https', 'fragment': None, 'queryStr': None, 'authority': 'www.ee.ntu.edu.tw', 'path': '', 'user': None, 'port': None, 'subdomain': 'www.ee', 'domain': 'ntu', 'suffix': 'edu.tw', 'domainPort': 'https://ntu.edu.tw', 'pathSegments': [''], 'query': {}, 'queryTemplate': None, 'urlQueryTemplate': 'https://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw'} testing task init FM appCacheDir: c:\Users\betty\TestDragon\TestDragonPlayGround\.TestDragonCache\https_..www.ee.ntu.edu.tw\traces Starting the DuT module! Resorting to the Web default module! Done urlAnalyzing: {'url': 'https://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/', 'scheme': 'https', 'fragment': None, 'queryStr': None, 'authority': 'www.ee.ntu.edu.tw', 'path': '', 'user': None, 'port': None, 'subdomain': 'www.ee', 'domain': 'ntu', 'suffix': 'edu.tw', 'domainPort': 'https://ntu.edu.tw', 'pathSegments': [''], 'query': {}, 'queryTemplate': None, 'urlQueryTemplate': 'https://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw'} Done urlAnalyzing: {'url': 'ee.ntu.edu.tw', 'scheme': None, 'fragment': None, 'queryStr': None, 'authority': 'ee.ntu.edu.tw', 'path': None, 'user': None, 'port': None, 'subdomain': 'ee', 'domain': 'ntu', 'suffix': 'edu.tw', 'domainPort': 'ntu.edu.tw', 'pathSegments': None, 'query': {}, 'queryTemplate': None, 'urlQueryTemplate': 'ee.ntu.edu.tw'} Starting the web test actioner! Starting the webViewDictManager module! Generating a random name: h8ZUbsVNB webdrivermanager: creating downloadDir! webDriverMan, using default driver path: c:\Users\betty\TestDragon\TestDragonPlayGround\.TestDragonCache\webdrivers The download folder is there! [Thread-7][INFO] ====== WebDriver manager ====== [Thread-7][INFO] Get LATEST geckodriver version for None firefox [Thread-7][INFO] Getting latest mozilla release info for v0.33.0 [Thread-7][INFO] About to download new driver from https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v0.33.0/geckodriver-v0.33.0-win64.zip [Thread-7][INFO] Driver downloading response is 200 [Thread-7][INFO] Get LATEST geckodriver version for None firefox [Thread-7][INFO] Get LATEST geckodriver version for None firefox [Thread-7][INFO] Driver has been saved in cache [C:\Users\betty\.wdm\drivers\geckodriver\win64\v0.33.0] ```
bernie6401 commented 12 months ago

請多描述一下你在甚麼情況下遇到這個bug,是在initialization?click TBot之後?然後標題也盡量多一點描述,感謝

farnking commented 11 months ago

Betty講的terminal 是什麼意思?這個問題就是我們沒有把firefox的geckodriver開動起來,有可能是執行檔案的位置錯誤。 這邊有點亂,最好是我把這段程式碼加入Betty為git collaborator,然後告訴你哪裡錯了。由Betty幫我們改好,


bettyteng21 commented 11 months ago
