faroit / python_audio_loading_benchmark

Benchmark popular audio i/o packages
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update soundfile/libsndfile and friends #24

Open bmcfee opened 1 year ago

bmcfee commented 1 year ago

libsndfile 1.1.0 came out a bit ago, and as of today, there are builds up on conda-forge for most (all?) platforms. The python wrapper (soundfile) 0.11.0 has been updated as well., with conda-forge packaging coming as soon as the PR merges. (EDIT: everything is up to date now.)

These updates add mp3 support, and the benchmarks should be updated to reflect this.

bmcfee commented 1 year ago

Bumping this one to note the release of python-soundfile 0.12 (/libsndfile 1.2) which fixes a couple of quirks in mp3 decoding, and ships with binary wheels on most platforms now.

bmcfee commented 7 months ago

Curious if there's been any movement here since merging? At this point, the result figures are confusing (ie wrong) because they do not align to the software versions mentioned in the text.