farooqaaa / far_revive

Farooq's Revive Script for Arma 3
16 stars 9 forks source link

Hi, your code is broken #10

Open Reekoj opened 8 years ago

Reekoj commented 8 years ago

FAR_HandleDamage_EH = { private ["_unit", "_killer", "_amountOfDamage", "_isUnconscious"];

_unit = _this select 0;
_amountOfDamage = _this select 2;
_killer = _this select 3;
_isUnconscious = _unit getVariable "FAR_isUnconscious";

// 26K - Added body part check - Script was checking hits on arms and legs causing early KIAs.
if (alive _unit && _amountOfDamage >= 0.9 && _isUnconscious == 0 && _bodyPart in ["","head_hit","body"]) then

You're using a variable which has no value (_bodyPart), so your condition will never be true.
