farooqaaa / far_revive

Farooq's Revive Script for Arma 3
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Bug with Helicopter Crash #3

Open JonBons opened 10 years ago

JonBons commented 10 years ago

Original post: "Hi all,

Have any of you noticed a bug with Farooq's Revive concerning helicopter crashes?

I noticed that when I crash in a helicopter the entire game locks up from an input perspective. Nothing on my keyboard or mouse will work (except for alt-tab). The game however is still going on around me, I can hear gun shots, see my fuel decreasing etc.

There is a workaround for when I'm playing with a group of friends. Whenever this happens Zeus/MCC has to delete the wreckage, the player will then "roll out" of the wreckage and is then revive-able and able to input commands.

However this doesn't work very well if I am logged into MCC/Zeus and I crash. Then we end up having to wait 5 minutes for the wreck to despawn.

Has anyone heard of a fix for this?" (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155989-Farooq-s-Revive&p=2727414&viewfull=1#post2727414)

sschlauss commented 9 years ago

One of the last helicopter updates seem to be responsible for this issue.

The fix is pretty simple: FAR_revive_funcs.sqf line 67

_unit action ["eject", vehicle _unit];

replace with

_unit action ["GetOut", vehicle _unit];
L0rn1x commented 9 years ago

i posted a complete solution on farooq forum

link: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155989-Farooq-s-Revive/page19