farrellf / TelemetryViewer

Data Visualization Tool
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Change STL model for Quaternion Chart #49

Open SolidGeek opened 3 years ago

SolidGeek commented 3 years ago

I am using the program to visualize the results of my university project (a single motor UAV), transmitted by an ESP32 over UDP. Works flawlessly! For the later presentation of the project (the exam), it would be nice to be able to change the STL of the monkey to something else (3D-CAD model of my drone).

I have tried downloading your project and built a version with a different STL file using Eclipse. However, after building the project, nothing is showing in the quaternion chart (even though data is still being received in the other charts). I am new to developing Java, thus I have not a single clue what might be the problem. Does the STL file need to be in some specific format for it to work? Maybe I am missing some build settings?

Hope you would consider adding this feature or helping me out! Thanks for your great work

SolidGeek commented 3 years ago

Searching through your source code, I found the function that loads the STL. I see that the STL has to be in "Ascii" format, and be scaled to be within a bounding box of -1 to +1. After importing my STL in Blender, and performing the rescaling and exporting, everything works. Thanks!

andresrobinson commented 3 years ago

I still thing it would be a great addition if this replacement could be done in the GUI

SolidGeek commented 3 years ago

I still thing it would be a great addition if this replacement could be done in the GUI

I agree @andresrobinson, however, the way the STL rendering is happening right now does not handle larger files well. The 3D rendering has to be re-done or optimized in order to have any real value, as any STL above 1 Mb crashes the software. Also if the STL is not scaled right nothing shows. Lots of potential problems 👍

farrellf commented 3 years ago

I agree, this would be a good feature. It's on my ever growing to-do list :)