farrellja / URD

URD - Reconstruction of Branching Developmental Trajectories
GNU General Public License v3.0
115 stars 41 forks source link

seuratToURD2 (previous issue #29) #67

Open Sa753 opened 3 years ago

Sa753 commented 3 years ago


I used Seurat version 3 to prepare my single cell data. I found this useful function seuratToURD but it didn't work. I understood from issue #29 in May 2019 that you will kindly add seuratToURD2 function to be compatible with Seurat version 3 but I couldn't find it yet. Was it added or not yet ? Was it added under another name?


Sophia409 commented 2 years ago

Same question

nadinegheziel commented 2 years ago

Same question, is it available yet ? Thank you very much.

celinech commented 1 year ago

Hi ! I ran into the same issue. Attached, you will find the modification of the function seuratToURD.R.

In your script, just call the function by sourcing the modified function, after the library load. So, after loading the URD library, you tells R to take the last seuratToURD.R function loaded in the environment.


