farrellja / URD

URD - Reconstruction of Branching Developmental Trajectories
GNU General Public License v3.0
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where is walks.to.do object #82

Open xujiahao778899 opened 1 year ago

xujiahao778899 commented 1 year ago

Bias the transition probabilities by cellular pseudotime

pseudotime.logistic <- pseudotimeDetermineLogistic(hydra.en, pseudotime="pseudotime", optimal.cells.forward = 0, max.cells.back = 500, pseudotime.direction = "<") tm.biased <- as.matrix(pseudotimeWeightTransitionMatrix(hydra.en, pseudotime="pseudotime", logistic.params = pseudotime.logistic, pseudotime.direction="<"))

Simulate biased random walks and load them into the object

walks.en <- simulateRandomWalksFromTips(hydra.en, "tip.clusters", root.cells=root.cells, transition.matrix=tm.biased, n.per.tip=walks.to.do, root.visits=1)

This is in the supplement.pdf, but I can't find walks.to.do. So can you tell me that how to set the parameter of n.per.tip?