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using-gnu-stow-to-manage-your-dotfiles #64

Open farseerfc opened 5 years ago

farseerfc commented 5 years ago

This issue is reserved for https://farseerfc.me/using-gnu-stow-to-manage-your-dotfiles.html

zsrkmyn commented 5 years ago

棒!我就建立了一个 dotfiles 目录,然后手写了一个两行的脚本负责把这些 dotfiles ln 到各处。曾经想过写 Makefile,后来抱着「能用就行」的心态没弄🙈但是用 stow 的话,如果到一个新的没装 perl 也没有 root 的地方好像就不行了...(虽然似乎一般都有 perl

Rasphino commented 5 years ago

stow 2.3.0新增了一个--dotfiles选项,会自动把前缀的.转换成dot-避免管理目录下全是看不见的隐藏文件 XD http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/stow.git/tree/NEWS

更新:然而比较尴尬的是过了两年2.3.0还没有正式发布...我花了半个晚上写了一个stow-git的PKGBUILD,装上之后才发现对于~/.config/nvim这种格式的路径,保存成~/dotfiles/nvim/dot-config/nvimstow --dotfiles nvim会出错...

lulitao-blog commented 5 years ago

我是直接用git bare repository维护的,可以直接把dotfiles clone到home目录下,不用symlink。 参见这篇文章:https://developer.atlassian.com/blog/2016/02/best-way-to-store-dotfiles-git-bare-repo/

with9 commented 4 years ago


NightMachinery commented 4 years ago

@farseerfc I didn't understand how stow $pkgname works exactly; Is it just a dumb thing that links everything in ./$pkgname/ to ~/? Or does it play some shenanigans? BTW, is the site machine-translated or do you write in both languages for each post? It's pretty cool. This Github issues for comments is also cool. :D

farseerfc commented 4 years ago

@farseerfc I didn't understand how stow $pkgname works exactly; Is it just a dumb thing that links everything in ./$pkgname/ to ~/? Or does it play some shenanigans? BTW, is the site machine-translated or do you write in both languages for each post? It's pretty cool. This Github issues for comments is also cool. :D

It's just a dumb thing that links everything. Stow handles the case when a target subfolder already exists, and recursively links the contents instead of replacing the folder with a link. Other than that it's just dump links.

I wrote some posts in multiple languages, English, Japanese and Chinese, but not all posts are translated. I also translated the theme into 3 languages.

Y7n05h commented 3 years ago


CyrusYip commented 2 years ago

看了你这篇博客之后用了几个月 stow,最近遇到了个坑。OpenWrt 没有 stow 包,stow 也没有编译好的二进制文件,我也不想在 OpenWrt 上编译 stow。最后改用 chezmoi 了,它有编译好的二进制文件,根据系统和架构下载就行。

kishi0071 commented 2 years ago

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