farzher / Sublime-Text-Themes

Probably the most useful theme for web developers.
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These are Color Schemes #9

Open wbond opened 10 years ago

wbond commented 10 years ago

The proper Sublime Text terminology for these is "Color Schemes" not "Themes". Themes change the UI of Sublime Text, whereas Color Schemes change the editor pane text colors.

You should submit a pull request to the Package Control channel to change its name to "Farzher Color Scheme" instead of "Theme - Farzher".

farzher commented 10 years ago

I did realize that not too long after I named everything.

Will doing this break current installations of the color schemes?

swrobel commented 10 years ago

Doesn't seem that this is in package control any more as a color scheme or as a theme. Can you put it in the right place, I miss my Farzher schemes!

swrobel commented 10 years ago

FYI it seems my issue in Sublime was that it ended up in ignored packages in my config.

Anyway, I've switched to Atom and converted your themes for use in it: https://github.com/swrobel/farzher-web-developer-atom-syntax-themes

Thanks for the awesome themes!

farzher commented 10 years ago

@swrobel That's awesome. And wow, the ability to use .less for syntax highlighting is so much nicer than .tmtheme