farzinmonsef / WBRS

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Randy.OnlineStore = mvc repository api #2

Open farzinmonsef opened 6 years ago

farzinmonsef commented 6 years ago


This is a .Net multi-tier business application using a Domain Driven Development (DDD) approach and the Onion Architecture. It was made using Repository pattern for data access and Unity container for DI (Dependency Injection) and IoC (Inversion of Control). The data access project in the Infrastructure tier is Data Base First approach and it was made using Northwind database and Entity Framework 6. In the UI tier I used ASP.NET MVC 5. In the API Services tier I used WebAPI 2 for implementing of a RESTfull API. I'll be integrating different technologies here to growing up this project. https://github.com/mujicadiazr/Randy.OnlineStore
