fashion-police / community

where we keep rules
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interim initial rules #1

Open lizelive opened 1 year ago

lizelive commented 1 year ago

Be respectful and civil. Do not insult, harass, or troll other users. Do not post personal information or photos of others without their consent. Do not spam or self-promote your own products or services. Stay on topic and relevant. Only post content that is related to fashion and style. Do not post memes, jokes, political discussions, or off-topic content. Use the appropriate flair for your posts and comments. Follow Reddit’s site-wide rules and reddiquette. Do not post illegal, violent, hateful, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate content. Do not use multiple accounts or vote manipulation. Do not ask for upvotes or awards. Provide constructive feedback and advice. Do not criticize someone’s appearance or style without offering helpful suggestions. Do not shame someone for their budget, preferences, or body type. Be supportive and encouraging of others who are trying to improve their style. Use the search function before posting a question. Chances are your question has been asked and answered before. Check the sidebar for useful resources and guides on common topics such as body type, color theory, wardrobe basics, etc. No self promotion or advertising. Do not post links or images of your own products, services, blogs, websites, social media accounts, etc. Do not use this subreddit as a platform to sell or promote anything. This rule also applies to comments and direct messages.

lizelive commented 1 year ago

approved in meeting make a pr