Closed fasiha closed 1 year ago
Here's a script that addresses this question, which is definitely worth considering. The script isn't documented and takes a couple of minutes to run but hopefully it will do since my goal is to explain the findings briefly—
In Ebisu, we have the exact analytical posterior probability distribution on recall at any time in the future. That is, for a model (alpha, beta, t)
that specifies that the recall at time t
will follow a Beta(alpha, beta)
distribution, if we have a quiz at some tnow
time, we have this exact analytical posterior on recall at any tback
We eventually want to collapse this complicated distribution to a Beta random variable for storage—that Beta is obviously an approximation to the true distribution. Right now we are somewhat cavalier about choosing what time to tback
to use to collapse to the Beta. There's a coarse "rebalancing" step where I find the approximate Beta for tback=t
, find that model's halflife coarsely within a factor of ~2x, and then rerun the approximation from true posterior to a Beta at that approximate halflife. We've talked about always exact-rebalancing in #31, i.e., pick tback
to be the exact halflife of the posterior (the time at which the posterior probability is 0.5).
But what tback
is the best in terms of the least approximation error between the true posterior at tback
and the best-fit Beta at tback
The Kullback-Leibler (KL) metric measures how "bad" an approximation some probability distribution is from another "true" distribution. Its minimum is zero for the same distribution.
The script below implements the analytical exact posterior for any tback
(there's a couple of prints that show it's correct).
Then, for model (alpha=3, beta=4, t=10)
, which has halflife of 8.01 time units, we have the following:
Above x axis: tback
between 3 and 50 time units; y axis: KL measure of how bad the Beta at tback
is given the true posterior at the same tback
for all four combinations of (success, fail) and (quiz at 5 time units, quiz at 30 time units). Recall halflife is 8 time units.
Observations: for all four of these, there definitely is ONE tback
where the KL divergence seems to drop to zero, or at least some orders of magnitude below nearby tback
s. Looking at this tells me that we should be more thoughtful about where in time we choose to fit our posterior to.
So then, for this model (3, 4, 10)
, and for a few tnow
s, what is the tback
that produces the lowest KL divergence between true posterior and Beta fit? (Recall tnow
is the time that the quiz happened.)
quiz | quiz time | updated halflife | tback with lowest KL | lowest KL |
True | 1 | 8.211 | 10.000 | -9.860e-15 |
True | 5 | 9.010 | 10.000 | -1.441e-15 |
True | 15 | 10.981 | 10.000 | -9.297e-16 |
True | 30 | 13.896 | 10.000 | -8.849e-16 |
False | 1 | 6.285 | 8.408 | 1.427e-07 |
False | 5 | 6.564 | 8.884 | 2.888e-08 |
False | 15 | 7.066 | 11.260 | 4.917e-08 |
False | 30 | 7.490 | 14.029 | 8.415e-06 |
Iiiiiiinteresting? For successful quizzes, the best tback
is t
, i.e., don't move the time between the initial model and its update. Furthermore, the KL divergence here is 0 (to machine precision)—the true posterior is a Beta. If we rebalance to use tback
equal to the posterior's halflife, we'll be throwing away an exact update (KL=0) for an approximation (KL>0).
But for failed quizzes, what's this? The best tback
is greater than the prior's halflife (8 time units), and can be significantly more? This made me curious if there was maybe some simple relationship between tnow
and the best tback
Above For all three sub-plots, the x axis is tnow
. Y axes described in plot. Bottom plot: I calculate the KL divergence using scipy.integrate.quad
numerical integration, which yields not just the KL divergence (middle plot) but also the error associated with that calculation. The error is at least two orders of magnitude lower than the KL divergence's estimate, giving us confidence that we're not looking at numerical issues here.
So the relationship between best tback
for varying quiz times—when the quiz resulted in failure—doesn't seem straightforward. I'm surprised it's non-monotonic, but I could very easily be running into numerical instability and roundoff with my naive implementation of the posterior.
A lot of food for thought.
from ebisu import modelToPercentileDecay, updateRecall
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as integ
from scipy.stats import beta
from scipy.special import beta as betafn
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
import pylab as plt
def makePost(model, tnow, tback, c, d):
alpha, beta, t = model
dt = tnow / t
et = tback / tnow
B = betafn
den = c * dt * et * B(alpha + dt, beta) + d * dt * et * B(alpha, beta)
def post(p):
first = (1 - p**(1 / (dt * et)))**(beta - 1)
secondExp = (alpha + dt) / (dt * et) - 1
second = c * p**secondExp
thirdExp = alpha / (dt * et) - 1
third = d * p**thirdExp
num = first * (second + third)
return num / den
return post
def validatePost(x=True):
pre = (3., 4., 10.)
c, d = (1, 0) if x else (-1, 1)
tnow = 5
tback = 8
post = makePost(pre, tnow, tback, c, d)
print('should be 1', integ.quad(post, 0, 1))
def moments(maxN):
alpha, beta, t = pre
dt = tnow / t
et = tback / tnow
nums = [
c * betafn(alpha + dt + N * dt * et, beta) + d * betafn(alpha + N * dt * et, beta)
for N in range(1, 1 + maxN)
den = c * betafn(alpha + dt, beta) + d * betafn(alpha, beta)
return [num / den for num in nums]
moms = moments(5)
qmoms = [integ.quad(lambda p: p**n * post(p), 0, 1) for n in range(1, 1 + len(moms))]
print(list(zip(moms, qmoms)))
def kl(tback, pre, x, tnow):
c, d = (1, 0) if x else (-1, 1)
post = makePost(pre, tnow, tback, c, d)
updated = updateRecall(pre, 1 if x else 0, 1, tnow, tback=tback, rebalance=False)
approx = lambda p: beta.pdf(p, updated[0], updated[1])
divergence = integ.quad(lambda p: post(p) * np.log(post(p) / approx(p)), 0, 1, limit=500)
return divergence
def kltest(x=True, tnow=5.0):
pre = (3., 4., 10.)
tbacks = np.logspace(np.log10(3), np.log10(50))
kls, errs = np.vectorize(lambda foo: kl(foo, pre, x, tnow))(tbacks)
return tbacks, kls, errs, x, tnow
for x in [True, False]:
for tnow in [5., 30.]:
tbacks, kls, errs, x, tnow = kltest(x, tnow)
plt.loglog(tbacks, kls, '.-')
plt.title(f"{x}, tnow={tnow:0.2f}")
pre = (3., 4., 10.)
print('pre', modelToPercentileDecay((3., 4., 10.)))
for x in [True, False]:
for tnow in [1., 5., 15., 30.]:
updated = updateRecall(pre, 1 if x else 0, 1, tnow)
minimized = minimize_scalar(
lambda tback: kl(tback, pre, x, tnow)[0], bounds=[3., 50.], method='bounded')
tnows = np.linspace(0.1, 100, 50)
bestTbacks = np.vectorize(lambda tnow: minimize_scalar(
lambda tback: kl(tback, pre, False, tnow)[0], bounds=[1., 60.], method='bounded').x)(
quads = [kl(tback, pre, False, tnow) for (tnow, tback) in zip(tnows, bestTbacks)]
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3)
axs[0].plot(tnows, bestTbacks, '.-')
axs[0].set_ylabel('best tback')
axs[1].semilogy(tnows, np.array([min for min, err in quads]))
axs[1].set_ylabel('min KL')
axs[2].semilogy(tnows, np.array([err for min, err in quads]))
[a.grid() for a in axs]
So the work above led to a nice analytical result showing the exact posterior for a series of True/False quizzes:
For now, with 2.1.0, I've chosen to rebalance to the new halflife despite the findings above (and despite the computational burden of rebalancing). The difference in KL divergence between the “best” tback
and the halflife, at least in the examples above, seem minor: 1e-3 nats or less, and we get the benefits of always rebalancing: not having to calculate a halflife ever, potentially faster approximate-predictRecall
, cleaner code.
(Also, I'm not sure how long Ebisu will continue to use this Beta-on-recall model given my efforts in creating a new model per #43.)
Closed this because Ebisu v3 is moving away from Beta priors on recall to Gamma priors on half-life.
With version 1.0, we rebalance the model to roughly near the half-life so
aren't too different.But are there some
s that yield Beta distributions that are more faithful to the GB1 posterior than others?When we
, ought we spend a bit more time finding thet'
whose final-Beta's higher moments are the least different from the GB1 posterior's higher moments?If so, that'll also impact #17.