fast-aircraft-design / FAST-OAD

FAST-OAD: An open source framework for rapid Overall Aircraft Design
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Payload range component #470

Closed christophe-david closed 1 year ago

christophe-david commented 1 year ago

This PR adds a component for Payload-Range computation.

From a given mission definition, computes the following variables:

To be noted: range and duration variables are based on the first "route" defined in the mission.

The component has following options: Option Default Acceptable Values Acceptable Types Description
mission_file_path ::sizing_mission N/A ['str', 'MissionDefinition'] The path to file that defines the mission.
If can also begin with two colons "::" to use pre-defined missions:
- "::sizing_mission" : design mission for CeRAS-01
- "::breguet" : a simple mission with Breguet formula for cruise, and input coefficients for fuel reserve and fuel consumption during climb and descent
mission_name N/A N/A ['str'] The mission name. Required if mission file defines several missions.
propulsion_id N/A ['str'] (mandatory) The identifier of the propulsion wrapper.
reference_area_variable data:geometry:wing:area N/A ['str'] Defines the name of the variable for providing aircraft reference surface area.
nb_contour_points 4 N/A ['int'] If >4, additional points are used in the final "MFW slope" of the diagram contour.
nb_grid_points 0 N/A ['int'] If >0, the provided number of points inside the payload-range contour will be computed.
min_block_fuel_ratio 0.3 N/A N/A Sets the minimum block fuel for inner grid points, as a ratio w.r.t. max possible fuel weight for the current payload.
min_payload_ratio 0.3 N/A N/A Sets the minimum payload for inner grid points, as a ratio w.r.t. max payload.
grid_random_seed N/A N/A ['int'] Used as random state for initializing the Latin Hypercube Sampling algorithm for generating the inner grid.