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"Error: URL not found" error when adding a dial via the context menu in Firefox #284

Open aram535 opened 9 months ago

aram535 commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug Error Error: URL not found error when adding a dial via the context menu in Firefox

Steps To Reproduce Go to a new URL, right click in the page to bring up the firefox context menu, "Add this page to dial", pick a dial with space available. Rather than the page being added, you'll get a popup [ red background ] with "Error: URL not found"

Expected behavior Add the current URL to as a new entry in the page.

Device info:

Additional info Add any other info about the problem here.

Juraj-Masiar commented 9 months ago

Hello, Does this fail every time, or only on some pages? If only sometimes, can you see some pattern in the cases? And was it working fine before?

aram535 commented 9 months ago

It was working 100% before, and 100% fails now. It must have stopped working at some point after an upgrade of firefox or windows patch. Not a feature that I use every day so I had not noticed until about a weeks ago.

Juraj-Masiar commented 9 months ago

I've checked the code and see I'm trying to extract URL from the "tab" object. Which should work (unless "tabs" permission was revoked which should not be possible in the Firefox). But I see there is another way to get URL from the event handler so I'll use that as a fallback.

The fix will be part of the next release, probably in a week or so (I have some new features I need to finish first).

aram535 commented 9 months ago

I created a test profile without any extensions and just added GSD and it works there so it's something in my setup or profile that's causing the error. Is there any way of putting the extension into a debug mode or verbose mode so I can help track this down for you? Oddly enough if I just disable the other extensions I have installed -- it still doesn't work so a change in the permissions in firefox itself?

Juraj-Masiar commented 9 months ago

There is no debug mode in my extension. But from what I can see, there not much to debug, the URL value is simply missing. And it should not be caused by other extensions. Something else must be wrong. And if it works in the new profile, then there must be something broken in the profile. Maybe some change in the "about:config"?

In any case, I did make a change that will probably fix it (although who knows what else could fail if the URL will be missing in other parts of the code...).

Alternatively, you could use Firefox Reset to reset your profile: Resetting profile will preserve your passwords, bookmarks and other important things -but not extensions data, so make sure you have a backup (of all extensions if they have some data stored). Before resetting your profile I would suggest you to setup Firefox Sync. - this will backup the list of installed extensions and after reset it will reinstall them.

aram535 commented 9 months ago

Thanks. It isn't a huge issue (not being able to add via context menu) so I'll wait for the updated extension. If that still doesn't work then I'll do the reset. I have done multiple resets in the past and it's a little annoying. I do have a bunch of settings (none of them would have blocked or caused this and have been part of my setup for a long while).