fastaddons / GroupSpeedDial

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contextual menu of the single dial superimposed on the windows one so that the single dials cannot be modified #310

Open giuvahhh opened 4 months ago

giuvahhh commented 4 months ago

Hi! My problem using firefox is that contextual menu of the single dial is superimposed on the windows one so that the single dials cannot be modified. How can I resolve? Thanks

Juraj-Masiar commented 4 months ago

Hello, Open "about:config" page and change this value to TRUE: dom.event.contextmenu.enabled

giuvahhh commented 4 months ago

it works! but after 1 day firefox reset change, why? How should I set these keys? services.sync.prefs.sync-seen.dom.event.contextmenu.enabled services.sync.prefs.sync.dom.event.contextmenu.enabled

Juraj-Masiar commented 4 months ago

In general, it's best to NOT change any values in the "about:config" page :).

The dom.event.contextmenu.enabled I've mentioned should be by default set to TRUE, so if you have it set to FALSE, then either you or some software set it to FALSE. Do you have some tools that can manipulate about:config values?

Regarding your question, sadly I can't tell what those options do. But as mentioned before, it's best to not change any values there, unless you are 100% sure what they do. Otherwise some unexpected things may break (like the context menu :)).