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Can someone define the "some coding experience" needed? #74

Open rotello opened 1 year ago

rotello commented 1 year ago

Hello I know some may smile from my question but as an absolute beginner i d like to know what is the Minimal Viable Knowledge of coding to be able to learn (and enjoy) your courses. Thanks !

PranithChowdary commented 1 month ago

You need not to be a python expert to start this course, but it's better if you learn these

Basic syntax: variables, data types (integers, floats, strings), operators, input/output. Control flow: conditional statements (if, else, elif), loops (for, while). Functions: defining and calling functions. Data structures: lists, tuples, dictionaries. Object-oriented programming (OOP): classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism. File Handling: opening, reading, writing, updating files, and different file modes (json, csv, txt,.. etc)