fastai / fastcore

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issue in patch decorator when worker with abstract classes #536

Open loayshaqir1 opened 11 months ago

loayshaqir1 commented 11 months ago

patch decorator is a little bit problematic when working with abstract classes, consider the following code:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from fastcore.basics import patch

class A(ABC):
    def foo(self):

class B(A):
    def __init__(self):

def foo(self : B):
    print("foo patched to B")

  a = B()
Executing the code yields this error:
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class B with abstract methods foo

The reason for that problem is that in Python each class that is inheriting from an abstract class he starts with an attribute called abstractmethods which is a frozenset that contains a set of functions that should be implemented by the child class, this attribute gets updated only in the scope of the class definition and at the end the set should be empty i.e the child class has implemented all the abstractmethods, since we are using patch to separate functions into different cells, Python doesn't see that we actually implemented the required functions.

possible solution, that's the decorator that we used in our code (you can learn from it what you should do to fix on your end):

def patch_method(func : Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
    Applies fastcore's `patch` decorator and removes `func` from `cls.__abstractsmethods__` in case <br>
    `func` is an `abstractmethods`
    cls = next(iter(get_type_hints(func).values()))
        abstracts_needed = set(cls.__abstractmethods__)
        cls.__abstractmethods__ = abstracts_needed
    except AttributeError: # If the class does not inherit from an abstract class
        # Apply the original `patch` decorator
        patch(*args, **kwargs)(func)