fastai / nbdev

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nbdev_help doesn't explain what the command nbdev_readme is #1364

Closed kurianbenoy closed 8 months ago

kurianbenoy commented 10 months ago

Provide a minimally reproducible example

  1. Install the latest version of nbdev
  2. Run nbdev_help
nbdev_bump_version        Increment version in settings.ini by one
nbdev_changelog           Create a file from closed and labeled GitHub issues
nbdev_clean               Clean all notebooks in `fname` to avoid merge conflicts
nbdev_conda               Create a `meta.yaml` file ready to be built into a package, and optionally build and upload it
nbdev_create_config       Create a config file.
nbdev_docs                Create Quarto docs and
nbdev_export              Export notebooks in `path` to Python modules
nbdev_filter              A notebook filter for Quarto
nbdev_fix                 Create working notebook from conflicted notebook `nbname`
nbdev_help                Show help for all console scripts
nbdev_install             Install Quarto and the current library
nbdev_install_hooks       Install Jupyter and git hooks to automatically clean, trust, and fix merge conflicts in notebooks
nbdev_install_quarto      Install latest Quarto on macOS or Linux, prints instructions for Windows
nbdev_merge               Git merge driver for notebooks
nbdev_migrate             Convert all markdown and notebook files in `path` from v1 to v2
nbdev_new                 Create an nbdev project.
nbdev_prepare             Export, test, and clean notebooks, and render README if needed
nbdev_preview             Preview docs locally
nbdev_proc_nbs            Process notebooks in `path` for docs rendering
nbdev_pypi                Create and upload Python package to PyPI
nbdev_readme              None
nbdev_release_both        Release both conda and PyPI packages
nbdev_release_gh          Calls `nbdev_changelog`, lets you edit the result, then pushes to git and calls `nbdev_release_git`
nbdev_release_git         Tag and create a release in GitHub for the current version
nbdev_sidebar             Create sidebar.yml
nbdev_test                Test in parallel notebooks matching `path`, passing along `flags`
nbdev_trust               Trust notebooks matching `fname`
nbdev_update              Propagate change in modules matching `fname` to notebooks that created them

Expected behaviour

nbdev_readme - should be saying it updates file based on index.qmd