fastai / nbdev

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Specify multiple directories in `nbs_path` or exclude certain subdirectories #1395

Open mattgra opened 5 months ago

mattgra commented 5 months ago

I would like to build nbdev docs (nb: docs only, no lib code) based on multiple subfolders - the pattern is as follows:

└ nbs_dir
    ├ sub-directory1
    │   ├ core/
    │   └ tutorials/nbs/...  # here are the tutorials!
    ├ sub-directory2
    │   ├ core/
    │   └ tutorials/nbs/...  # here are the tutorials!
    └ sub-directory3
        ├ core/
        └ tutorials/nbs/...  # here are the tutorials!

Thus, I'd like to specify my nbs_path in settings.ini either as follows:

Option 1

# settings.ini
nbs_path = nbs_dir/sub-directory1/tutorials, nbs_dir/sub-directory2/tutorials, nbs_dir/sub-directory3/tutorials

Option 2

# settings.ini
nbs_path = nbs_dir
exclude_pattern = nbs_dir/*/core/

Additional context:

sub-dir1/2/3 are submodules from external libraries which have their own lib code and nbdev tutorials. This repo would only serve as synced, centralised point to access all tutorials in a single build.

deven367 commented 4 months ago

Hey @mattgra, if I understand your requirement correctly, this is already possible in nbdev.

To create tutorials, (do NOT add the #|default_exp flag to your nb). You can check the nbdev repo for this. image

Then to update the sidebar, you can manually edit the _quarto.yml file to get your desired sidebar configuration.

mattgra commented 4 months ago

Not sure i fully understand this solution. In the repo you are showing the settings.ini still points to the nbs folder only. ( nbdev then recursively goes through all the folders inside nbs and generates the docs (i.e., also for the explanations, tutorials, and API folders. (see here:

deven367 commented 4 months ago

Yes, that's correct. nbdev recursively goes through the notebooks in the nbs folder. The part where the notebooks differ in the api folder vs the tutorials folder is over here.

When the #|default_exp flag is missing in a notebook, no python file is created for it, and it is rendered by nbdev as docs.

API notebook image

Tutorials nb image