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Option To Generate "Clean" notebooks for docs / tutorial for Goolge Colab/PaperSpace etc #923

Open hamelsmu opened 2 years ago

hamelsmu commented 2 years ago

I see that this is quite a common pattern for people wanting to make rich tutorials and such with nbdev. We have to think about the design a bit. Rough sketch


copy_nb_path: ....


Open question: should we have a way to exclude markdown? Perhaps this is possible with conditional rendering?

cc: @jph00 @seeM

hamelsmu commented 2 years ago

Another thread

deven367 commented 2 years ago

@hamelsmu At my org, we use a lot of Colab. nbdev2 relies on raw cells, if we wish to skip all tests and execution of cells while building docs, I mostly miss the #all_slow tag from nbdev1, it was then very handy to test nbs with that tag. As of now, I'm not aware if we can add raw cells in Google Colab.

p.s. please let me know, if I can help with creation of a Colab tutorial! I'd be more than happy to help

jph00 commented 2 years ago

You don't actually have to use raw cells at all, if you'd rather not. I don't use them myself. Instead, I use an alternate format, which is a markdown cell in this format:

# title
> description
- yamlkey1: something
- yamlkey2: other

Please give that a go and let me know if you have any issues.

deven367 commented 2 years ago

I checked the nbs in the nbdev repo and couldn't find a comprehensive example using this format. I found that most nbs have this format.

# title
> description 
- order: 1

I'm not sure what I would have to do if I wanted to skip tests during tests and building docs. Would it be something like this?

# title
> description 
- execute:
- eval: false 

Also, about the raw cells, I got that notion from the migrating from nbdev1 nb, this would probably be a good addition in that section.

jph00 commented 2 years ago

Message ID: @.***>Good guess! It's actually: - skip_exec: true.

More details on this migration here:

jph00 commented 2 years ago

p.s. please let me know, if I can help with creation of a Colab tutorial! I'd be more than happy to help

We'd be delighted to see a colab tutorial :D

hamelsmu commented 1 year ago

From the Forums



hamelsmu commented 1 year ago

I'll be working on this soon. I've been chatting with the Quarto folks about this, and they have created a paved path that will make this possible! More to come soon

johnowhitaker commented 1 year ago

I'll be working on this soon. I've been chatting with the Quarto folks about this, and they have created a paved path that will make this possible! More to come soon

Excellent! Please let me know how I can be helpful - happy to test things, write docs etc.

hamelsmu commented 1 year ago

Notes For Creating A Google Colab Shortcode

    theme: cosmo
+  ipynb: {}
+    output-ext: output.ipynb # this is optional (you will likely leave this out)
quarto render about.ipynb --to ipynb -M output-ext:output.ipynb`

I could not find a way to get the path of the current file in a shortcode, which is necessary for constructing the URL for the Colab badge, so I emailed JJ to ask


  1. User specifies copy_nb_dir in settings.ini, if they set this variable, then the following front matter gets injected into all notebooks, where nbs_path/path_to_nb/file_name.ipynb is the current path relative to the root of the directory to the notebook
copy_nb_loc:  nbs_path/path_to_nb/file_name.ipynb
  1. If user has specified copy_nb_dir, they can now install an extension and put the shortcode {{ colab }} on any notebook. This will render the proper github badge by constructing the right url which will be something like this:{copy_nb_loc}

this will render the Colab badge.

  1. In the future, because we have that frontmatter added automatically, we can add other kinds of badges if we like.
hamelsmu commented 1 year ago

Lua shortcode prototype for colab badges

-- colab.lua
local str = pandoc.utils.stringify
local file = quarto.doc.project_output_file()
local prefix = ''
local img = '<img src="" alt="Open In Colab" style="max-width: 100%;">'

function colab(args, kwargs, meta)
    if quarto.doc.isFormat('ipynb') then
        local path = str(meta[''])..'/blob/'..str(meta['colab.branch'])..'/'..file
        return pandoc.RawBlock('html', '<a href="'..prefix..path..'"rel="nofollow">'..img..'</a>')

Corresponding quarto.yml fields:

  gh-repo: hamelsmu/quarto_nbcopy
  branch: main
  exported_dir: colab/

Need to do the following

hamelsmu commented 1 year ago

ok new sketch

    output-ext: colab.ipynb

  exported-dir: colab/

And the lua

local str = pandoc.utils.stringify
local file = quarto.doc.project_output_file()
local colab_prefix = ''
local colab_img = pandoc.Image('', '', 'Open in Colab')

---make ending slash consistent
local function slash(s) return string.gsub(str(s), '/$', '')..'/' end

local function branch(meta)
    -- get the target repo's branch giving precedence to the colab: branch field, but defaulting to website: repo-branch
    local branch = meta['colab.branch']
    local web_branch = meta['website.repo-branch'] -- value set by automatically by nbdev
    if branch == nil  and web_branch ~= nil then branch = web_branch else branch = 'main' end
    return slash(branch)

local function repo(meta)
    -- get the name of the repo giving predence to the colab: github-repo field, but defaulting to parsing the website: repo-url field
    local repo = meta['colab.github-repo']
    local web_repo = meta['website.repo-url'] -- value set by automatically by nbdev
    if repo == nil and web_repo ~= nil then
        repo = str(web_repo):gsub('', '')
    return slash(repo)

local function subdir(meta)
    -- get the directory of the exported notebook
    local nbdir = meta['colab.exported-dir']
    if nbdir == nil then return '' 
    else return slash(nbdir)

function colab(args, kwargs, meta)
    -- construct the colab badge
    if quarto.doc.isFormat('html') then
        local path = repo(meta)..'blob/'..branch(meta)..subdir(meta)..file
        return pandoc.Div(pandoc.Link(colab_img, colab_prefix..path))

Here is the repo with this code